Wednesday, July 19, 2006

there is a geman chick walking on my bACK

-UMM HELLO I STRART DRINKING NOW Mking outside im wearing a cowboy shirt umm 116 paris and nicole what do you think ,thats it ... thats what the german chick told me to write. im in savanah georgia which is the heart of slave country, im on a laptop in someones room where there is a party , i had some good cocktails, its 2.57 am and tthey are setup with a wireless connection on his laptop the german chick just corrected me on the spelling of savanah, kimbo the land of free is awesome your going to have a ball, and dave you try doing punctuation when you have had the most lethal drink in the country,

hopefully i will find a post office tomorrow i have tried to find one for the past week, i have alot of outgoing mail, morris i hope you are reading this leave a comment so i know!!! otherwise dave call him and tell him the web adress because he has probably lost it, kim you have to see texas it has been one of my favorite states yet, no they are trying to pull my pants down ,
so whats the news in australia are you guys involved in the israel thing too??
skiddy says - fuck you aussies find a german maid thats all ive got to say about that wait the german maid is called cinderella and you can cal lme shrek, and hooters is a top bloke, thats all

this is me agian, im called hooters now , cause i went to a casino near our las begas hotel and skipped dinner, and it just so happened to be a hooters casino so everyone calls me hooters now, thats my new name
tim your the dam co ordinator of this site your supposed to get rid of that not authorised thing at the op of my page !!!!!! do your job !!!!!!!!!!!

kimbo- everyone sounds like danielle from antm , i was asking the girl at the lobby where the post office was, and she had to slow down the drawl i felt slow.,

some more idocincracies, (imdrunk and cant spell)
an entree is the main course there is an appetiser but the entree is the main course

and a salad consists of only lettuce

i nearly forgot my roommate has gone again after two days, he has flown to montana to meet the parents, then to vegas to marry her, so he was only on the tour for about five days, he bought a suit to meet the parents from wal-mart (gotta love the wal-mart) it looked like something forest gump would wear

its morning now i havent checked my blog sober for a long time, wow, im impressed a lot of it is actually coherent i wasn't expecting that, florida was ok not nearly as fun as new orleans, maybe because i spent three days in tacky orlanda without doing any of the theme parks, orlando is like gold coast, but our motel was far away from downtown so not much partying to do,

im in savanah georgia at the moment im sitting here with the devil ,the cocktail i was drinking last night had grain 105 or something in it- its more potent than 151, its called everclear and apparantly it is 90% alcohol, i only had one of them - because i am on a detox!! i bought some some vitamin drinks and a lot of water and had at least a 48 hour break from drinking , then the tour guide surprised us with a secret tour of the budweiser factory!!!so that ended the detox with free beer, ill try it again tonight because i think the place we are going to in north carolina is a little slow.

and i saw the park where forest gump tells his story on the movie, there is no park bench i'm told it's a hollywood effect , and i think ill be in north carolina tonight, well that's all i have to say about that

quote - 'unleash the fury max' - road trip (i think the snake is called max)
'are you here for the feeding?'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I want to be at that party. I hope you score with that german chick. Although by the sounds of things.. you already have! Way to go dan.

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dan
How Ya Going
I did loose the adress but then it came back into my mind so here i am.
I here youve got a fair bit of out going mail youd better keep on top of it or it will bank up.
okay good talk

12:49 AM  
Blogger danielinamerica said...

morris im just about to go to the post office to send my outgoing mail, it has already banked up too much, how is life lying in the ditch going, your going to have a lot of fun overseas its crazy wild

5:52 AM  
Blogger danielinamerica said...

lach, keep up the partying , you party animal, your drinking right now aren't you? even though you're at work,

5:53 AM  
Blogger BromleyandKimbo said...

hey dan

morris.... how is the journey of being a postie going?

dan you sound like you are having an awesome time, and your drunken ramble is hilarious! I now check your blogg along with my email every day. Oh my god they are replaying the first series of ANTM I hadn't seen that before, they all dress sooo bad and Tyra is trying to hard!!

I leave next Friday! WOWOWOWOWOOO!! We have our visa appointments on Monday. I had to ring up to talk about documentation and they charged me $11!! They are running such a monopoly. Anyways, I can't believe all this crazy documentation i need, and then my visa lasts for 12 months, but they tell me point of entry will only let me in for 6 months then i have to apply for a one month extension and do all this stupid paperwork again!!!! grrr..... anyways our appt is at 8.45 and we have to be there halfa early so we have to catch the train at 4.20am!!!!!!!!! we didn't want to get stuck in peak hour traffic. hey can we take ipod phone etc coz the website said no phones or electrical goods. i thought there might be a place to put them there??

i don't think we'll make it to texas but i definitely want to get there sometime!! I can't wait for NYC!!!!!!!! AND OF COURSE, ERIE, PA.... who wouldn't want to go there!!!!!!!!

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how good are $1.75 pints? they rule. i think that is why it took me so long to ride my pushie from canada to san fran. i see you have discovered the fried shit too. when i stopped cycling i put on 11 kilos in like three weeks. it was pretty nuts. and how is it when you go to maccas or something and ask for a small meal and they give you large size with free refills and you can stil go like 3 sizes larger. anyway i just want to know where you will be in january cause i dont think i'm going to germany anymore, i might just come straight over to the states for a while and drink some cheap free pour 151. anyway let us know...

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like your having a good time. Makes our life here seem very mundane and boring. I'm disappointed you didn't go to any of the Theme Parks in Florida - I'd love to check them out one day. Well Steve is putting up a security system in the factory today and we went to the Gloucester Chill Out Festival yesterday - it had a couple of bands and a few market stalls - that was about it.

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan this is my 4th time on here and it is still my favourite site. Your the man! What link do I click on so you get paid

2:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw 60mins and they had the red paperclip guy. What a bloody genius, he got a house in a year. Anyway where are you now?

4:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Uncle Plug

Just got my postcard from you - Thanks. I did get my haircut the other day and I screamed and screamed and screamed so it is still pretty long and my mullet will be back with me pretty soon. I have started KinderMusik today - we sing and dance and make noises and run around - I was pretty excited at it and had heaps of fun. Keep the postage coming.

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to hear you're making the most of your time over there. but if i hear you have gone a got married, except if its to that german chick which i assume your picking up with, i might have to hurt poor lachy here, or a least just get really smashed and enjoy some early mornings at the ducks.

10:17 PM  
Blogger danielinamerica said...

i know the embassy paperwork is a killer, i stayed at a motel the night befor emy apooinment, and no you cant take phones and stuff because i know you definately have a detinator in yours!! make sure yo utake something to read though i made that mistake. im in nyc now just got in this afternoon, its seems like a good place on fiirst impressions, different to the southern cities and i can already tell that everyone is in a hurry, the chick in antm who wins the first series marries peter from the brady bunch , its crazy!!!

simo, ill still be on the east coast in january but heading over to the west coast , the south sure do know how to fry some food!!!

handley any of the ads will do at the bottom of the page,

moz- well i would have to agree that coloongolook would have a hard time beating NYC on a interesting scale, but there isnt a paddock full of sigmas in nyc

byron- wow you must be excelling at kindergarten if yo are already logging onto my blog and posting well constructed comments. and i think a mullet is keeping with the style of collongolook

steve- the red paper clip guy is my hero , im going to do it too, ill start with a belt buckle i got in texas

burns you crazy kid, im sure youll be the first one to get married and divorced and married again before i walk down the isle,

3:04 PM  
Blogger S K G Rao said...

Thanks for your omments.I have seen your blog I think for Indians we need more simple English.

1:28 AM  

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