untitled musings
i went to dinner for the first time at an etheopian restaurant, it was good food it actually reminded me a lot of indian except you use your hands to dip the wat
in the something(the wat really is the name for it), its like a big pancake that you pick apart and use it to scoop food of a big communal plate, and one of the
guys at dinner worked for a law firm in new york over the summer, he did a whole month working on the appeal for zacarias moussaoui (the only guy caught for the
9/11 incident), he wasn't even allowed to see the guy he was defending, none of the appeal lawyers were allowed contact. moussaoui just sits in solitary
confinement all day every day for the rest of his life. i would hate to go to an american prison, and they have the death penalty in virginia.
everyone has fascinating stories about their summer, working 14hours a day on wall street.
uva has one of the best commerce schools in the country, each department in comm school is actually sponsored by a big firm, and the students do work for the firm
as part of their projects, - the ultimate capitilist society!! and they are pretty much guaranteed a job as they walk out on graduation day. there is a lot of
work on all levels of the spectrum, i cant go to a mall and not see at least four help wanted signs , you could walk down the street and apply for about ten low
end jobs.thats where the illegal mexicans are needed, because everyone else seems to be obsessed with money, its the major topic of conversation- the jobs and the money they
will make, as an investment banker etc. i went to business at newcastle university and their was the culture of success and material gain, but nothing on a
comparitive scale to here, or perhaps again it is a UVa specific thing.
religion and money an american obsession- my anchient philosphy teacher actually said 'when you're telling your parents you are doing philosophy and they say why
don't you do economics or business or medicine, tell them by taking philosophy classes it will help you get closer to god.' it was a true statement, he didn't say
it in jest. and everyone kind of agreed with him, its a good thought, but its the blatant religion i'll have to get used to this is my jacket, that also doubles as my blanket, it's a bit ostentatious but it keeps me warm of a night, and notice the cavaliers football!!
we will crush virginia tech this season
this is the crazy squirell, he had no idea what he was doing, he went up and down that tree four times in the two minutes i was watching him, but now i can understand people from other countries being so interested in koalas, i love watching these little fellas scamper around,
go australia
this is an example of the architecture around the grounds, this is on the 'lawn' and is original from jeffersons time. jefferson still has a big impact with his philosophy and way of thinking that promoted open and free discourse between the students and the community, that is another reason why the university sprawls into the communtiy, physically
'The first time I was struck with something, a chicken breast from Kenny Rogers. I was standing next to a garbage pail. I thought it might've been an accident, that they were throwing it out. The second time, it hit me square on the chin, a soft taco. Then, pop. A falafel. McNuggets. Always fast food. Fast food. Shit people would rather throw out than finish. It's easy. It tastes all right, but it doesn't really provide you any nourishment... I am fast food.'
-- Dave Spritz (nic cage) - 'the weather man', he is having a little crisis about not really contributing to society
Dan, your blogs these days have been top-notch, I'm really proud of you! And you've been staying out of trouble too, you really are following the life of Dupree. I know what you mean about the squirrels too, we love them, you should have seen a park at Toronto, Canada, they were EVERYWHERE and they move so fast! Anyways, we'll have to go to that Ethiopean restaurant when we come down to see you!!
the ultimate capitalist society with an overemphasis on god... I think you're getting a good idea of what america's all about. it's sort of backwards isn't it? capitalism and god... do you think god is collecting royalties?
i like my old blogs, like the one about johhny cash, '
yeah when you visit we can go to the etheopian restaurant with some real etheopians too, how much of a bitch is kyndra and her friend on laguna!! it turns me off the show, if it wasnt for raquel i wouldnt even watch it
- usa jacob you gotta love it, 'land of the free' as long as you do what they want, only uva of course, new hampshire kicks ass i would love to live there
i have to get on the bandwagon of this one, speaking of bandwagons visit my blog which is stagnant but i like the counter going up, dan your best blogs are majorly drunk ramblings about america being great, now all i hear are anti religious speeches, all i want is a combination of these two great things, A-list celebritys are doing it why arent you?
Another tidy post mate. Loving the site, I told this chick at work what you wrote about squirrels but I claimed it as my own gold, she loved it. Thanks danielinamerica you help me pull chicks.
i am controlling myself now, i have three drinks and feel good then i stop, which still leaves me with to many inhibitions to ramble incoherently but im sure youll see some vintage danielinamerica soon,
- the only thing cami has going for her is that she is friends with kyndra, which isnt even a good thing, that look like fools in front of the nation, i dont care about tessa she is nice, i think raquel always looks good with what she wears, i dont know why kyndra and them keep baggin her.
- handley how the fuck do squirells get you chicks? i mean if it works awesome but that is a different angle
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