Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Wiggles

the wiggles have arrived, they are playing to a packed out audience in the john paul jones arena just near my dorm, it seats 15,000 people and is the best college basketball stadium in the country
-last week hulk hogan was in town, because wee raw was held at the arena.

-changes i thought i'd class up the old blog a bit, give it a bit of a spit and shine,

-there might be some talk of me hanging out at the hospital, yes it's true i had a few quite whiskeys and caught a cab home, i sort of passed out on the curb right near my dorm and the university police (which are real police, not like newy uni's dads army), it's nothing big but in virginia if they find you drunk you can either go to prison or go to hospital for the night, and i chose the latter, so i was on a drip for the night
-and the crap thing is - the hospital is near the bar strip , so i caught a taxi back to my dorm only to be taken to the hospital, then when i was released this morning, i had to ride my bike back to the dorm. and another weird thing is that the nurse found a vein first go, and commented on my good veins, the opposite is what usually happens,
-the hospitals in the usa are nice, Uva has one of the best med schools in the country, so it might be that , but it was clean and had some nice decor, and there was no waiting.

- classes have started now, so i wont be drinking for four months, i have many books to read and essays to write. just some good clean living, riding my bike and expanding my mind.

the live draft went well, here is my team that is going to kick bromleys ass out of the park!!!

Roethlisberger, Ben (QB PIT)
quaterback / pittsburgh steelers
Alexander, Shaun (RB SEA) running back / seattle seahawks

Bell, Tatum (RB DEN) running back / denver broncos

Branch, Deion (WR NE) wide receiver / new england patriots

Johnson, Keyshawn (WR CAR) wide receiver / carolina panthers

Watson, Ben (TE NE) tight end/ new england patriots

Longwell, Ryan (K MIN) kicker/ minesota vikings

Patriots, Defence and Special Teams (DST NE) the whole defense and special teams from the new england patriots


'a fool and his money are soon partying.'

'man i'm so wasted right now.' - towely / south park, the best character ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be the brother I know and love if you hadn't checked out the hospital in your first week of college!! It's good to hear you are going to take it a bit easy now (mind you I don't know if I believe the no drinking for 4 months) Are you going to try and go to the wrestling at some stage if its nearby?

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got my parcel yesterday - havn't set the rocket off yet - will probably do it today - thanks heaps - I like the dog tags too. I can't believe the Wiggles are there - can you try and meet them and get their photo - tell them your an Aussie exchange student and your 3yo nephew loves them (yes I am 3 now - a big boy hey). Mum said to tell you she loves the new blog look!!

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan Bromley is so jealous you got roethlisberger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah byron old uncle plug got a little carried away again on the whiskey but not to worry dupree will guide him through the dark times, the wrestling was on once it might not be back for awhile, same with the wiggles, and im not that comfortable loytering around the entrance of a kids concert trying to score autographs, i knew them before they were famous when they in the cockroaches. and byron get that rocket in the air

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you doing the subjects that you planned to do?
Is your mobile phone operative yet?
Dont know how to get sound happening on the computer, can you advise.
Beware of the evil.........SPIRITS.
Glad to hear that the local hospital is up to scratch, I hope you dont have to visit it again.

1:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Testing one two, one two one two , testing two two two

1:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan the cop said to me next time he will put you in the watchhouse with the "boys" and throw away the key. No drinking for 4 months.....Id like to see that. Remember drinking is ok but in MODERATION!!!!!!Do you want to end up like cuz Jeth.

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez I'm prodeded of u Daz. I knew u haded a bitz of nock in u. Yours Greatgrannan woz from hear whose marred my Greaterunkie Norm. Yur one of us offocially now. Luv ya.

1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from the monitor there is a lead that has a light green tip at the end, remove the grey cable that is currently plugged into the back of the computer tower and replace it with the green tipped cable from the monitor, then you will hear sound from the little speakers in the monitor

6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, you're new blog is awesome, where did you learn to do all that? I'm totally gonna get sick of that Unwritten Law song pretty fast though! How's your war against the booze goin?! Yes, that's correct everyone I got a 1am phone call from Dan one morning this week telling me he had been arrested and was in hospital!! No wonder I feel tired.

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Testing one two three.......two two two

1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why cant we reach you on your mobile,can you please buy another charger, if needed, moz , dad and i keep trying only to find you are not reachable.Looking at buying a thunder ute, either SS orS , will give gran the ford, providing he can fit into it.Ring us using your phone card.........

1:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im doing good kimbo, i had three drinks yesterday because it was friday and everyone was having house parties, but after three i had water,
-mom and dad, the mobile phone thing in the usa is different, when people call me it costs money, and if i dont have credit no matter if my phone is charged noone can reach me, i will make the bike trip to the mall today and probably get some, i have a room phone but i havent even started thinking about learning how to use that -

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, good to see you're cutting down on the booze. After you called me last week I got a phone call from your phone number again. Some American girl was calling and asked me to come over and pick you up cos you had passed out. When I told her that probably wouldnt work as I was in Australia, she hung up on me straight away. Tart. Anyways, I didnt think it would take long for your first hospitalisation so now its out of the way. Talk to you later

10:29 PM  

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