Gridiron Gang
gridiron, the gridiron is actually the marks on the middle of the pitch/field that make up the grid looking appearance of an american football field, these signify each yard, every yard in the game of the gods is like a mile, that is why ball control is esential, every yard is key,. ok so you may hear in gridiron movies like from 'varsity blues'
- 'the next forty minutes are the next forty years of your life. essentially that is true because if you dont play ball in college your last high school game couldbe the last time you ever put on the helmet,- unlike soccer where the fans are equally as zealous, you could join any club to play of a weekend, but with gridiron it is an incredibly complex game that needs rehearsal (like ballet) it needs management in the form of coaches and it needs a fuck load of equipment, there are no games on the weekend, its just high school - college - nfl, if you dont play in any of those you can only play flag football on the weekend, which is like touch football for rugby league but the gridiron equivallent-
the game is incredibly complex and has many levels of play, so a quarterback and the receivers have to know over four hundred pages of playbook by heart, and when a play comes off its like the heavens have opened and god has shown us the way, where as both codes of rugby essentially just have a line of men, and you keep passing it backwards untill you break that line or maybe do a little kick or something, and you may say well they are all pussies - wearing helmets and pads and stuff, it is because they are giants, i have stood behind a couple of cavalier players in line at the dining hall, and they make josh perry look like danni devito, and i feel like a mouse standing next to them, plus when they hit/tackle each other on the field, take a look, unlike league they don't brace for impact , they throw there bodies at each other, even sometimes headfirst, so there might be more padding but i call it battle armour, and it lets them attack each other with reckless abandon, plus they are giants, because they dont need the fittness to defend for a full eighty minutes like a rugby player, is the link for the sad story of our first loss of the season, last year we were 7-5, but this year looks like a rebuilding year
Steve Irwin
what the hell happened to steve irwin i just heard, a sting ray got him! un freaking believable, a barb of a sting punctured his heart, it is sad, 'crikey' has been silenced forever
this is school spirit! every 100 yards the emblem is painted on the road, all throughout charlottesville
this is half the john paul jones arena, the new basketball stadium that is the best in the country, it puts the sydney entertainment center to shame, i don't even want to mention the tin shack you call the newcastle entertainment center. john paul jones himself is UVa alumni and felt he needed some recognition so he ponied up the cash to build this fine facility and have his name forever immortalised, we also watch the away games of the cavaliers football team, notice the runner! everyone runs at this school , i go outside at 3am and people are running!
this is the triple whopper!! this isn't a one time offer, ths is permantley on the menu, i took the challenge yesterday with a chocolate shake and fries, i call it the 'heart attack special' . i failed the challenge , but only by a few mouthfulls , notice how there is no cheese between the slices of meat, by the end it was just meat on meat with no bun, i probably had two or three mouthfulls to go, but the shake and fries filled me up.
i thought i put a photo up of nic cage, so you can spend some time worshipping him, and his cannon of work.
movie and world news section:
i have a new section at the bottom of the webpage, it has al the news and gossip about movies, one of the articles has photos from the new transformers movie on location is the exact link- you can see the big truck optimus prime!! he wasmy favourite, but when i was a kid my friend had the toy, it was huge, i only had some crappy little ones, and a g.i joe, i missed out on rock em sock em robots and stretch armstrong too, and his arms stretch out to forever!
-the right side of the road, it has been only this past week that i have felt comfortable crossing roads without an eight tonne SUV nearly hitting me, it took two months for the shift in my brain to accept that the yanks drive on the other side of the road, i'm sure when im back down under i'll have the same problem for a couple of weeks, i like driving on the right side of the road, i think novellty not pragmatism is the lure, the benefit of either being one of the motorists knowledge of their own nations laws and consistency.
quotes from homer goes to college episode: (conan is credited with writing this episode, the man is a god, sadly it was the last episode he wrote)
Homer: 'I've been working on a plan. During the exam, I'll hide under some coats, and hope that somehow everything will work out.'
Guy: Homer, sign this application, and you're a shoe-in.
Homer: Hahaha, haha, that dog has somebody's ham. Now this I gotta see!
Homer: My first day of college. I wish my father was alive to see this.
Abe: Hey!
Homer: How long have you been back there?
Abe: Three days!
Homer: That explains the smell
Homer: Marge, someone squeezed all the life out of these kids. And unless movies and TV have lied to me, it's a crusty, bitter old Dean!
Dean: Hi there! Hello, I'm Dean Peterson, but you can call me Bobby. I just want you to know if you ever feel stressed out from studying or whatever, I'm always up for some hackey sack. Or, hey! If you just want to come by and jam, I used to be the bass player for the Pretenders. Homer: Boy, I can't wait to take some of the starch out of that stuffed shirt.
Marge: Homer, we have a perfectly good bookcase.
Homer: Yeah, but this is what they're doing on campus. Besides, it isn't costing us: I swiped the cinderblocks from a construction site.
[At the site, a worker walks forlorn up to his boss]
Worker: Sir, six cinderblocks are missing.
Boss: There'll be no hospital, then. I'll tell the children.
(i'm going to hide under my big usa jacket when the exams are on)
---'everything i l know i learned from family guy' - i saw that on a guys t-shirt
dan, Enjoyed the new blog, its so sad about steve irwin, apparently only 17 people worldwide have been killed by sting ray sting, how unlucky can you get? Lucky you were only stung on the foot? did you buy yourself a doona?dad and I were going to the movies to see you me and dupree the other day but ended up too exhausted from doing oats , changed our mind and have decided against holden ute,we might just keep the good old ford..........
Dan, the minute I sent you that email about having problems accessing your blog comments I managed to get in - but it is set out different - the comment goes across the whole page - not just a column. Mum just stole all the info I was going to tell you - I have included most of it in the email I sent you - but Steve and I did go and see You, Me and Dupree - so at least I know what your talking about now when you make references to it.
Sup Dan, How lucky was it you went to a football mad school since you love football so much. Imagine if you had ended up at a la cross mad school. Well you would probably jump on the bandwagon anyways but the transition would not have been as smooth. And i can't believe u couldnt finish the triple whopper. Come on, ur better than that.
your parents call it "doing oats", i'll have to use that line one day.
what kind of a chump can finish a hamburger
Hey Dan hows things. It sounds like you are doing well with the college life. I am in London at the moment on my way to edinburgh tommorow. Whats your number ill give you a call
peace out
That was me
-i cant believe irwin is gone, maybe if it was a 20foot croc but a sting ray?!
you know me too well lachy, i would have got on any american bandwagon,have i converted you to gridiron yet?
-i havent been to wallmart so i dont have a doona yet
-doing oats i assure you is a farming term
burns these are american burgers! not some pansy australian burger and the shake filled me up,
-morris i thought the lach ness monster had you, are you going to scotland? london, wow im not at all envious is it dreary and crap?
my number is
i think you might put a one in front of it and the country code but you'll have to work that out from london, i have no idea what the country code is here, do you have a cell? catch a plane over here and enjoy the sunshine!!!
i forgot to mention i am in the gun club, i have my first shotgun practice this friday afternoon!!
I just wanted to post a comment mourning the loss of steve irwin, a.k.a. The Crocodile Hunter. He was unbelievably popular here in the states. He had actually usurped crocodile dundee in american culture as the typical aussie. He's been on tv, in film and even had bit parts in commercials, which is, in my opinion, the mark of success in our runaway capitalistic society. His death came as an unbelievable shock to me and i'm sure millions of other americans, who never could have conceived of losing such an iconic figure in such a way. He did great work as naturalist, herpetologist, and conservationist, and he entertained countless people for years, all the while educating and drawing attention to problems facing australian, and international, wildlife. Our hearts and prayers go out to his wife and children.
He will be sorely missed.
i was just talking to a guy about how we can just die with an instant, so thats why im goin gto a bar!
nice tribute jacob, he's a character that will be missed its always sad to lose someone nice
morris i didnt know you cussed so much, have a pint for me will you and some eel pie
you might wanna drop the berger for your first matchup. he had an emergency appendectomy
what the hell is roethlisberger thinking- apendectomy, sheesh what a loser,just get a quaterzone shot and play through,, my reserve is david carr from the houston texans, the worst team in the league!! dam it, my reign as king may end before it begins , but at least ill beat you bromley thats all that counts
Hey Dan
Just visited your new blog again. Glad to see it's still as insightful as ever! I like all the photos too!! And glad to see your up on the latest Australian current affairs re: Steve Irwin. Good on ya Steve
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