the mayor?
the other day when i mentioned my failed chiropractor experience, it was because they were 'all show and no flow' , i knew i wouldnt be able to get a simple adjustment when i walked in, they had like three secretaries, different therapy rooms, an onsite xray, all that jazz, and after a crazy examination (and some lady enthusiastically giving me pamphlets, and clearly showing me what is on each page) with all sorts of instruments and stretching, - i understand that is good practice for a newclient, but i did tell them i have been going for fifteen years, so i don't really need to be 'sold' on the idea, dr. cox also wasn't satisified that i had only had xrays two years ago, he wanted to do some onsite, so i b99shitted that first i need to get a gp's referal so my insurance would cover it,(which is actually true) thus waivering his 50 dollar consultation untill i get the referal, and i made a mock appoinment which they keep calling me about, and trying to refer good doctors,
anyway i needed a few cracks pretty bad, so out of the phonebook i made another appoinment with dr. brown, his office was even further away than the cox's and not on a bus route!! - i finished watching 'the worlds fastest indian' -my new favourite movie of all time, telling the true story of a kiwi (anthony hopkins) making a lifetime in the waiting journey to america- it paralled my experience to a tee, of course he is an old man and rides motorcycles- but i digress
i hopped on my bike, and was hoping to have a similar heartfelt and exotic journey like hopkins, and it was, in a way, and i definately didn't want any B.S., i just wanted my back cracked! no xrays and no pamphlets, and i had a feeling this guy would be the guy for the job, because when i rang up for directions, it was him who answered the phone, not some secretary
i had to ride up a mountain, and on the way up help push a car about a hundred yards up the steep slope, then avoid all sorts of trecharous roadwork which forced me into the middle of the car lane, as it wound up the mountain,
in the office, dr. brown, a man in his early sixties, himself gave me a very simple one page form to fill out, unlike the three pages of lifetime history i had to fill out for cox. and going into his room, i definately knew this guy would just crack my back no fuss. The room had no charts on the wall and was bare except for a bench and a stool, (its the first chiro ive been to that just had a bench not a moveable contraption thing), this guy was fairdinkum, i could tell ,after he told me his son went to ireland on exchange and was enjoying drinking the guiness, and how he heard chech rebulic beer is awesome,
he barely examined my back before getting me to lie on the bench, and give me some good cracks, no fuss, on the way out he gave me a business card and said something about being mayor of charlottesville, i said 'how long ago?' and he said. 'oh i'm the mayor now, i thought youd get a kick out of that card.'
-so the freaking mayor runs a backdoor chiro operation!
-i gave him a handfull of cash, and he went back to running the city!
and on the way back my hopkins experience was complete when a severe thunderstorm beat the shit out of me on the epic ride home.
-im sure micael and craig will get a chuckle when they hear that im hanging out with the mayor.
-COlORADO- there must be somethign in the water there, another shooting, and near columbine, i thought colorado was beautiful. we had a student shot a bit over a week ago, in the stomach, i think he survived, but on the same night a girl died from a mysterious strain of menigicocal, i didnt even hear of the shooting till wel after it happened, and im not even shocked , i guess you develop complacency when its a regular occurance, and not news worthy if its in a private place, the dude was sitting on his porch on offgrounds housing, but if its public at a school or something then youll hear about
Quotes from when homer becomes a chiropractor episode! -
Homer: Less yackin,' more crackin.'
Dr. Steve: We don't actually crack backs. It's merely an adjustment...OK, you're going to hear a loud cracking sound.
Homer: Hey, it feels a little better.
Dr. Steve: I thought it might. Now I need to see you three times a week for many years.
MD: Your spine is more twisted than Sinbad's take on marriage.
Homer: So, just give me some drugs and surgery.
MD: I'd love to, but to be honest, modern medicine has a lousy record of treating the back. We spend too much time on the front.
Homer: Yeah, there's some neat stuff on the front.
MD: I'm going to send you to my chiropractor.
Homer: Hey, I thought real doctors hated chiropractors.
MD: Well, that's our official stance, but between you and me and my golf clubs, they're miracle workers.
Patient: You think you can fix my sciatica?
Homer: I don't know what that is, so I'm going to say "yes."
Homer: One, two, better not sue.
Patient: Hey it worked! My searing leg pain is now a gentle numbness.
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