Sunday, September 17, 2006

stoopid broncos that is the link for our latest game, i was thinking about not even posting it, we were supposed to win, thats why it was our homecoming game, i think i will have to join the team if we are going to have any chance of beating virginia tech. our offense is non existent, maybe and im saying just maybe it might have something to do with the fact that our quaterback is a drama major!! 'to be or not to be,' just throw the god dam ball and get some touchdowns.

australian night this thursday night im having an aussie night, there should be a good turn out, i will try to find some meat pies for the occasion, and some sausage rolls, which i i probably wont be able to find, at least i can get a case of fosters, and everyone can learn how to speak australian,
for instance everytime i ask for a serviette everyone thinks im asking about the soviats, and when i ask for a mountain dew, people think im talking about the dews living in the mountains, and my favorite: thongs, i had no idea that they were only called 'flip flops' here, the other night i asked a girl why she was wearing thongs out, and she looked at her pants and blushed and said 'how did you know'. -true story,
-so we'll probably spend the night dissing the mother country and lamenting steve irwin

new years eve and on friday night it was ethiopian new years eve, technically it was last monday , but we do that with holidays too, changing there date to make a long weekend, so there was plenty of funky dancing and singing at the ethiopian restaurant. ethipian dancing: think of irish dancing but reversed, you just move your shoulders really weirdly, and a little bit of foot movement


Homer: Are you saying you're never going to eat any animal again? What about bacon?
Lisa: No.
Homer: Ham?
Lisa: No.
Homer: Pork chops?
Lisa: Dad, those all come from the same animal.
Homer: Heh heh heh. Ooh, yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

The Broncos are beating all your teams - do you know that they knocked the knights out of the finals last weekend - they flogged them 50-6 (and yes Johns was playing - even though Buderus was out).

I knew you should have got mum to send you some vegemite - whats an aussie night without it!!! What about tim tams and milo - I missed them heaps when I was in Europe - can you get them in US?

2:01 AM  
Blogger Simmo said...!/conansite/index.html
The above website is something u will enjoy dan. Really good artwork. I hadn't realised how cool some of the stuff there is even though i'd seen a lot of it before.
To the racist guy above u are a tool. Even though i think it was an over reaction about the pope when he was only quoting other people but still someone along the line should have known better.
Also dan, i'm not sure if i'm the only one it effects cause my computer is crap but the videos u put on your site really f*ck with my computer.

3:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im pretty sure that was my room mate ill ask him next time, i think he is a cathloic

-yeah i had no idea tim tams were aussie, so the knights are out? that sucks

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dan finally baled the oats on sunday , we ended up with 470 bales unfortunately they decreased in price from $10 a bale to $2 because of the 6inches of rain that fell on them. Wish you were here to help me with the hay, do you want me to send you some vegemite?.......

10:13 PM  

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