The tenacious d movie was pretty funny, there were a whole bunch of security guards walking around making sure no one would film it and put it on the interweb. At the start of the film, an old guard who looked like Morgan Freeman held up what looked like a fancy dolphin torch, and told everyone he could use this device to find out if we were recording.
Im pretty sure it WAS just his flashlight that he used it when the lights were out to get to the restrooms, because of a leaky bladder. I didn't get to see morgan freeman, i got confused and went to the wrong cinema, but at least i saw the old guard who resembled him. Morgan Freeman always plays an old guard or police guy, washed up, with the only thing giving him joy in life is a meaningless job, his wife left him decades ago.
Halloween is cool, everyone dresses up and parties. And kids run around taking candy from strangers.
This is the back of my pumpkin.
This is Andres my flatmate, he came first with that piece of crap!!!
This is front of my aussie pumpkin, my kangaroo kicked ass. I came second by one vote, -see Andres' witch carving next to my one.
Advance australia fair!
yeah dan your pumpkin rocks
Hi Dan!
That punkin (that's right, it's pronounced pun-kin, just ask Jo) is kick arse! Where is Tasmania though...? Australia is not second best to America, let me never hear you say that again!
Be wise, xxoo
everything is second best to america... god, even i hate the sound of that. we may have weapons and tons of cash, but i bet ozzieland is paradise compared to this hell hole. you ozzies know i luvs ya. peace ya'll!
Hey Dan, I just looked at the weather in Charlottesville for this weekend, it's bloody freezing! Google charlottesville weather and take a look - sat and sun have lows of -1 and -2 degrees! But the suns gonna be out! You may need to buy yourself some winter accessories Dan. Don't worry I'll help you out on the weekend to pick some fashionable accessories. Congrats on the baby girl Moz, hope you're feeling OK!
-really its going to be cold?, its sooo hot today, the weather here is sporadic, seriously today is like a summer day in australia. i blame the nuclear reactor in the physics department.
I would love to help you pick out some new threads homie! Walmart actually has some OK garments (I'm not kidding) and you have to keep funds on the down low with that big hospital bill! Blogspot is very unpredictable, one day no photos, the next day 6. Crazy! I really should get a Myspace..... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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