Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It's a new day

I thought id put in another random cartoon from the cavlier daily, notice how it is written by two people, it took two people! to write this cartoon, about the homicidal spokeperson for burger king. I guess the king, thinks a whopper burger is a good valentine gift, you can't piss off the burger king. And being a university press cartoon, i'm sure there is some deep seated meaning in there somewhere, about feminism or seal clubbing or most likely president bush.

TPS Reports! Posted by Picasa

-my friend matt stopped pledging in the fraternity, he said he will pick it up again next year and continue with the hazing,, i guess too many ass paddlings can get the best of you after a while.

-my first proper halloween is coming up, its like easter in oz with all the witchy stuff being sold at grocery stores and the like. i'm going to win the pumpkin carving contest that the faulkner area housing council is organising, ive already declared my self the champion. And im going to score a big sack of candy too.

-and whats with tattoo parlours having all the hospitality of a sewer rat? most of the time when you hang around in there pretending to look at the pictures and waiting till they acknowledge you, and they never do, and finally after three times of enetering the store over a period of several weeks,if they do acknowledge you, its like they are doing you a huge favour , they act like they don't need the cash. hey you're the one with a business setup on top of a chineese buffet, down some back street alley, im sure you could do fine without inking anyone up,

-and bands selling out, what is up with bands that are too self important to skim money from corporate accounts. If in defining themselves apart from a capitalistic society, and the great cogs of the advertising industry are they are making a stand for either a self absorbed cause --that they are somewhat better than the corporation buying them out, or as do they think they are the social mesiah of the little man, and don't want to elevate themselves above their fans or whore themselves just to make a buck. So bands like frans ferdinand who turn down 40 odd million dollars to have their music appear in an add, are missing a great opportunity to put community service before their own stoopid ego's and egotistical ideals, just so they can stay cool. Now selling out may loose some audience share for their next record but not any geezer could rob 40million quid from a company in broad daylight, for basically nothing. And think of the good they could do, a fucking robin hood if you will. They ride around on horses and tights and give the 'evil' money to all the people on the steets starving, or save a bit of the rainforest, but no they are too afraid rolling stone will call them out on it. these bands are egotistical bastards with nothing but a stupid indie rep to uphold.'oh we cant have all the depressed teenagers thinking we're with 'them',' they say while privately driving a porsche and living in the upper end of town.

-i thought this was neat- jrock's old punk band played with millencolin and anti flag. and bloodhound gang.. one of my favourite bands millencolin and he headlined them, he said he wasn't into them back then, this was back in 95-96 while the swedish group was establishing themselves in america, ive put some millencolin in the clip of the week , i couldn't find any good fast clips like no cigar, but even some of their slower stuff is alright

'my advice to you, is to start drinking heavily'
john belushi- animal house - probably my favourite ever quote.

'new money always cries, now lets away to the hamptons.' rich prep school kid on simpsons.

'By my troth, I care not; a man can die but once; we owe God a death...and let it go which way it will, he that dies this year is quit for the next,' -henry iv - shakespeare

MOVIE OF THE WEEK: the squid and the whale

Idiosyncracy- saying macca's, i know we do all that stuff down under like turning monica into mozzy and daniel into dazza, and of course warren into wozza, but it just never occured to me untill the other day, when i got laughed at for saying it, that saying macca's is dinky die aussie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dazz, what are you doing hanging around tattoo parlours?

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im getting sleaves, and three bluebirds on my neck

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahem... king daniel, you reign because of my providence. so please, note the spelling of my name: jroc. jroc. jroc. there is no k anywhere to be found in my name. get it right or i will smite you. you have been warned.

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, chopper will be proud....
The pumpkin carving should be a breese being a "picker" from way back....

3:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are sleaves?check your mailbox ive sent you a letter.....

7:53 PM  

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