Smells like holidays
This is a gnarly street chalk drawing in new york city. The perspective is amazing.
i i captain, this is me sailing the high seas of the pittsburg river. i forgot to mention when i was in pittssburg with kimbo and bromley, that we went on an aquaducky tour, you go around the streets of pittsburg in a world war 2 amphibias vessel, then you hit the water, and go under a couple of the hundreds of bridges that surround pittsburg.
at the chineese buffet the other day, we got some fortune cookies, everyone got stuff like, 'you will succeed in life' 'your romantic outlook is good,' 'you are a lucky person.
this is what i got!!! a goddamn cake, the sum of my life is getting a nice cake, i mean i can't complain, i don't want to succeed in life, or have a good romantic life, i would be quite happy to just eat a nice cake. Thats all i am hoping for, and when i lay on my death bed my last words will be, 'i've had a good life, good, not great.' - it would also have to be a cake made from rice flour.
I thought i'd put in another cartoon from my philosophy book. We were talking about adam and eve, and why on earth god would metaphorically give a child a hand grenade, see at the time they don't know about right or wrong, and god is like 'hey kids, don't eat from this tree, or you'll get nice and fucked up.'
and the holidays have drawn to a close, steve is correct, once you are busy all week, those few hours you get on a weekend are very sweet. and then you have to write a dam paper.
Quotes: i thought id pull something from plato's the republic, the first couple of pages i found interesting, socrates is asking some old dude, what its like to be old, and i thought he's reply was pretty neat.
Cephalus: By zeus socrates, i will tell you exactly what i think. You see, a number of us who are more or less the same age often get together, when they meet, the majority of our members lament, longing for past pleasures of their youth and reminiscing about sex, drinking parties, feasts, and the other things that go along with them. They get irritated, as if they have been deprived of important things, and have lived well but are not living now. Some others, too, even moan about the abuse heaped on old people by their relatives, and for THAT reason recite a litany of all the evils old age has caused them. But i don't think they blame the real cause, Socrates. After all, if that were the cause, I too would have had the same experiences, at least as far as old ageis concerned, and so would everyone else my age. But as it is, i have met others in the past who don't feel that way - in particular, the poet Sophocles. I was once present when he was asked by someone, 'How are you as far as sex goes, Sophocles? Can you still make love to a woman?' 'Quiet man,' he replied, 'I am very glad to have escaped from all that, liek a slave who has escaped from a deranged and savage master.' I thought at the time what he said was sensible and i still do. You see old age brings peace and freedom from all such things. When the appetites cease to stress and importune us, everything Sophocles said comes to pass, and we escpae from many insane masters.
But in these matters, and in those concerning one's relatives, the real cause isn't old age, Socrates, but the way people live. If they are orderly and contented, old age, too, is only moderately onerous; if they aren't, both old age, Socrates, AND youth are hard to bear.
-if you read that, you'll find it's pretty relevant for something written in 380bc.
Hey dan how are ya? That drawing of batman and robin is the coolest. It looks like it actually goes into the street. Or is above the street. Either way it looks cool. And that stuff about socrates is deep man. I sent an email to ur newcastle studentmail. Are u still using that? If not, i can get my people to send it to ur new one.
Hi dan moz and i are spending the day with grandma today its the 13th october , its the second anniversary of grandads passing,weve just listened to the tape that was recorded at the funeral. we are off to the bowlo for lunch to drown our sorrows.....
Just thought I would let you know that your garden is unbelievable - I went up there yesterday and most of the trees are towering over the machinery shed. Also portia is on 3/4 rations to lose a bit of weight - she needs to get her summer body back (don't we all) - Maybe 'cake' means something else in Chinese - I'm sure you can interpret it as something a bit more exciting than a rice flour cake!! Then again with your current diet a rice flour cake probably doesn't sound so bad.
your deathbed words should be "i had a fabulous life because i had the fortune of meeting jroc, the lord and master..."
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