Friday, October 13, 2006

Where's the damn codeine?

i thought this was pretty neat, this cartoon was in the cavalier daily, UVa's daily newspaper with a 10,000 copy circulation. and don't worry there is an opus equivilant for the left wingers, its called the declaration and is out once a week, and unlike opus it actually makes sense and i enjoy reading it. anyway i was wondering why google paid such an exorbitant price, i think 1.6 billion dollars, they do have there own vweb ideo hosting you would think for a fraction of the price they could fix that up, and advertise if they want to dominate the video hosting arena.
The scissors thing is true, pretty much all i've watched on youtube is some guy shoot beer cans from a cannon at a target, some odd family guy clips, and a chineese dude actually shoot an arrow into another arrow, it didnt split it but actually went inside the other arrow!!

Donkey of the week: the dude who legislated against codeine being sold over the counter. I've run out of nurofen plus, and i went in CVS to buy some ibofuren and codeine combo which always fixes me up good, but codeine is prescription!! i can buy paint ball guns and shotguns at k-mart but i need a doctors prescription for codeine. i always had a suspicion that the codeine really didn't do much to my neck pain and that it was the ibofuren that did all the work and the codeine just gave a nice buzz, - but just ibofuren tablets did nothing!! and the worst part is that all the german students are throwing an octoberfest party tonight!!! and i have to miss it and sit in my dorm writing my stupid blog.Posted by Picasa

firefox: ive noticed when i view my website on firefox, that the pictres overlap the writing , and on internet explorer its fine, i dont know if its just my computer- but perhaps this site is best viewed with internet explorer- (bill gates just handed me a sack of cash)

Quotes: Clint Eastwood what a legend, i thought id recall a couple of my favourite lines, his deliveries are dry, and understated but pack a punch

-in million dollar baby when hillary skank is telling clint how she has no family anymore, and eastwood just sits for a moment then goes
'yeah, well... you got me.'

-and dirty harry callahan, i remember one scene where he and his partner are hiding during a convenience store robbery, and his partner gets edgy and stands up to shoot the robber, and callahan pulls him back down and says
'hold it,' 'hold it,' then stands up and blows fuck out of the robber with his giant colt and then turns to his partner and says, 'ok now.'

-and my favourite when callahan is trying to get some info at a fish co-op, and the dude says . 'your types not wanted around here callahan.' and callahan eyes him off then eyes of a bucket of fish heads and says . 'yeah, well why don't you go eat some fish heads.'

-and lastly in 'any which way you can,' where eastwood just cruises around with an orangutan called Clyde, and comidic hyjinx follow. its the best premise for a film ever, and eastwood has a runin with some bikies and is making his get away, and says . 'left turn clyde,' and the orangutan puts his left arm out the window and it knows the bikies bikes down in a domino effect- classic, these guys are based here in virginia- will it be looked back on in history as a nescesarry revolution for freedom, or a futile blood bath? it is not for us to decide the future reputation, but to allow a people the ability to one day express it - that same ability that many of us now, aren't willing to shed blood for, and are willing to protest against, using a right- that bloodshed many years ago has allowed. We are all humanity with no divide, when suffering is seen and acted upon, it should not be looked on through limits of a county, state or national boundaries. To say an area of people should only have uprising of their own will, when that will is not possible, then you have follied. A David and Goliath outcome is not a certain, sometimes people need assistance and to dispute the physical world we live in, and only think that such assistance can come through the pen, then that is to deny our very worldy and physical existance. At such a juncture in time, looking at the situations of the present and learning from the past but not retrospectively demanding action, we need to unite behind those who are willing to act. To disarm the nations that have unaccountable leadership, and are prone to denying their own citizens and our human brethren of basic needs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.6 bil. 's revenge of the nerds big way. Since the It explosion and internet, geeks are making a quid or billion sitting in front of a box all day. Gone are the good old daysof poking fun at the bloke with 10 pens in his pocket and pants pulled up to chest.....Now those pants are full of greenbacks & probably two good sorts hanging of each arm.....The cycle has changed.......Good Luck to them!

5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

Yeah - Mozilla does that for me too. Is there any way that you could make your blog more dial up friendly? It takes so long to load up for me. (Yes I know dan - broadband is the answer - i'm on it)

That street picture is amazing. Some people are so talented.

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the lord and master concurs wholeheartedly: where the hell is all the codeine?

5:47 PM  

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