Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Free T's

The weather here has been beautiful. Sunny and temperate, it only really got cold for a couple of days about two weeks ago. I'm told that this is unusual and that normally, it's about 40 degrees in november, so in fareinheit i guess that is cold. Wow, how boring is this blog, talking about the weather and stuff.

-One of my suite mates got a subwoofer and speakers for his laptop, so i feel like i live in the ghetto now, with all the ganster music constantly pumping through the walls.
-And some dude is going to live on our couch soon, he is half arab half somali, i think, he is friends with one of my other suite mates and has dropped out this semester or something and needs a place to crash. This guy is nice and all, but completely in love with himself. and women. He always wants to use my latptop to check his email, anyway, he showed me some photos of some model who is 40 and only looks 20, and i was like yeah thats pretty good, but he was freaking out, he was intimately describing every curve and what not. I said a couple of time, it is what is on inside; looks are important and all, but i think having crazy notions of a perfect woman (body wise)is a bit absurd. Like Hal in Shallow Hal, and it reminded me of 'scent of a woman' and you know al pacino character loves women, not for who they are, but their body; and at least pacino's character didn't think he was gods gift to women. So anyway i had invited a girl to come watch a movie, and she arrived while he was in my room. She is blonde and wearing short hot pants, and i couldn't believe it, he just sleazed onto her, saying how he loves her legs and her hair and bla bla bla, then later on in the night he came back in asking her to give him a neck message, and she flatly refused. But im sure that incident couldn't hurt and ego this big.

I did an all-american thing! i signed a pledge, it was stating that this saturday i wouldn't get too wasted after the last home football game, so i could get this free t-shirt. They are always giving out free t-shirts, for this and that cause on campus, i have no idea who funds it. I have about 5 now, the last one i got was the 'perfect illusions... Break the illusions' campaign, about anorexia. I'm still wearing th band around my wrist with the slogan, i had to promise them i would wear it for a week, to get the T-shirt. Anyway, i just hope that this saturday i can stay away from that Damn 'Zone of Regret.'

This is the ever metamorphisizing view from the railing, outside.

I'm going to get gangster, and chill with this du rag.Posted by Picasa

Quotes: American Dad

Stanley Smith: Son, if you ever get captured by any terrorists in the neighborhood and end up on al-Jazeera, just blink you location in Morse code. I'll have a bomb dropped on your location immediately.
Steve Smith: But, Dad, then I'd get killed too.
Stanley Smith: Ah, come on son, there are plenty of kids to play with in heaven. Your cousin Billy. That little girl from Poltergeist. She must be about 16 by now, you could totally tap that.
Roger the alien: God, who do you have to probe around here to get a chardonnay?
Klaus the fish:Klaus "That's the worst thing to happen to wine since Sideways. That's right America. Come get me."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo homie! Are you talking about that guy that was at your party that was trying to pick up the Russian chick? Too bad if he reads the blog hey - tensions in the dorm room! Montreal was amazing, I can't believe you didn't like it! We saw Borat oh my god we laughed from beginning to end.

12:32 PM  

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