San Francisco is like a giant byron bay with some melbourne elements thrown in. They have a tram sytem but also an alternate vibe going on. The beat museum is just next door to the hostel, and the bar where jack karouac and ginsberg-i think is his name- first read their beat poetry. I love the seagulls, they are huge.
The golden gate bridge is actually pretty unimpressive. There is another one called the bay bridge, which is much larger and more formidable.
This is post number 100, im a blogging centurian! first post for the new year and number one hundred. I wonder if this means that the blogspot queen will send me an email. Thats probably the only reason i would want to live until the ripe old age of 100, just to get a letter from royalty. You have to urinate in a bag and eat only pureed food, and forget who your children are, but the letter from royalty makes it bearable. By the time i am one hundred, it will probably be from one of prince harry's illegitimate children, or the republican movement will have caused us to break away from the monarchy. Long live the queen!
The seagulls are giant, this guy was getting stuck into a crab. They are four times the size of our seagulls, i guess its all the prison time they do in alcatraz. Working out all day.
This is the presidential christmas tree, its about two hundred yards from the white house. See all the model trains underneath. I could be showing a cool photo of the giant marine one picking up the president but i didnt have my camera that day, so all i have is this photo of a tree from the night before.
Im staying at the green tortoise hostel in san francisco. There are strip joints and erotic shops everywhere. This is a mural on one of the walls. Even in a nice bar last night, with a nice band and classy patrons, they had the walls covered with naked pictures of showgirls.
Alcatraz from the ferry.How cool is this chicken! Id like to have a drink with him one time, it looks like he enjoys a nice red wine.
Congratulations on the writing of your 100th blog, its been great fun to read them each morning and to follow your adventures through the US, Check your travelex account today, the chicken is really awesome......
Wow, giant seagulls and strip joints... San Fran sounds awesome.
Oh and congrats on the 100th blog. You are a true blogging fiend.
i miss king daniel...
chicken are always awesome, especially alcoholic ones. And the seagulls are so freaking big, typical americans, everything is bigger. I think im going to have to go to a strip joint tomorrow night, i cant keep walking passed without seeing whats going on inside. Out of all the free passes i have been handed, i think ill go to the larry flynt hustler bar.
Daniel, make sure you ring the airport today to confirm your flight. Put some money on your phone.
i am going to put some money on my phone tomorrow, so that means you can call me sunday australian time. I have to catch the trolley into some shops, they dont sell cell phone recharging cards at the strip joints
Man you have a great world experence man. Mom & old tom love you
Watch out for the strip houses
These photos complete bullshit and you havent seen daylight yet!!!!!!!
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