Goodbye easter bunny
On saturday it is sad to say i shot the easter bunny with a double barrel shotgun. Mother, ran over the little fellow while mowing, this is the giant mower behind a tractor, and maimed it. I grabbed the shotty and put two shells in, i was thinking i would only need one, but luckily i loaded two, because the first shot kind of made more damage, but the second shot took off its skull JFK style. I have had to put stuff down before, and it always sucks. For the rest of the day i was seeing the image of it being shot replaying in my mind.
--The worst time i put something down, was a dog that was hit on our property, and morris was going to pull the trigger, but the dog looked identical to his, so i had to do it. Anyway we buried it in a far too shallow grave near one of the sheds, and several days later my labrodors dug it up, and the head ended up in our yard. When burying a body you need a deep hole.
--Another bad time, was when i was about ten and looked out the window and saw a fox attacking my prize rooster. The rooster was a giant and fended off the fox, but ended up with a mortal wound. So i was too young to find the big axe, i only had my tomohawk, and i put egors head on a block of wood, and swung... This was a giant fighting rooster, so the first chop just hacked at his neck, and i was crying and trying to how Egor, and swing.. he started walking away and i had to keep hacking.
--My best execution was a fox that was caught in an acient bear trap. I couldn't believe it, my grandfather has some antiques, and one was a giant bear trap, and he actually set it in one of our sheds-one of my dogs could have easily been caught- anyway as soon as i found out i went over to get rid of it, and there was a fox caught. I blew it out in one shot, i can still see it clearly.
Hopefully i wont have to do any more for a while.
Quotes: Family Guy
Peter: There's only one thing to do - learn the language of the fleas, earn their trust, and breed with their women. And in time our differences will be forgotten.
Chris: Oh, I hate vegetables.
Lois: Honey, they're good for you.
Chris: Oooh, they taste like a monkey, a monkey that's past its prime.
STEWIE That's it, time for doggie to go the way of Old Yeller!
LADY Old Yeller, did I get a call from Tony?
OLD YELLER Oh yeah, he left a message I forgot to tell you.
LADY Is it on the machine?
OLD YELLER I erased it.
LADY [sigh], Alright [Cocks Gun] Out back.
KID No ma', yeller's my dog, I'll do it…
OLD YELLER Come on, He'll call back!
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