Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

This blog has nothing to do with Harry Potter. I just thought i would use that title to try and get some extra hits.

This blog is actually about my new tattoo, it isn't finished yet, i get it coloured in in two weeks.
I'm so sore. I thought for my tattoo unveiling i would do something special and do a motorcyclce stunt. Well, due to technical dificulties i ended up doing it three times. Oh man, craziness. But i hope you all enjoy. And check out the motorcycle crash with the tattoo unveiling. I ended up with petrol all over me, when the fuel line from the tank dislodged.
The first time i was going really fast, it's ashame it didn't work. I think my nerves made me slow down for the third time. It's weird making yourself go into a controlled crash. The adrenaline sure does flow.
Also watching the simpsons just now.Homer predicted the rapture, anyway, he speaks to God. I noticed that god has all five digits, whereas everyone else in the simpsons only has four fingers. this is the web address for the video.
Below are some photos from the video on you tube.
Quote: This quote is interesting. It explores the argument about God giving a child a grenade. Imagine handing a child a grenade and saying, 'now don't play with that.' What sort of responsible adult would do such a thing? So, why would a responsible God do such a thing? You would only expect someone sadistic would actually give someone, a device which could destroy their happiness. Ahh, the hipocracy of the Christian God. Nothign against Christians, it's just that the folley's of other religions aren't unbiquitous in the pop culture on my TV. And i won't even start with Islam, lest a riot erupt.
Ned: Hi-diddly-ho, paradise-dwellers!
Marge: God?
Homer: Uh, good morning, Lord. I just have to, uh, compliment you on this beautifully crafted mate.
Ned: Oh, Adam, you're too kind.
Homer: No, you're too kind, and wise, and righteous. I can't believe you don't have a girlfriend.
Ned: Oh, please, you're going to give me a swelled head. I just stopped by to see if you needed anything.
Marge: Well, some general-interest magazines would be nice.
Ned: You got it, Eve. There you go.
Marge: Oh, thanks.Ned: Well, I'd better skedaddle. Oh, there's one more weensy little thing. See that tree over there? I hate to be a bossy Betty, but I have to forbid you to eat its fruit.
Homer: No problem, Lord! And it would be even easier to avoid that temptation if I had a few extra wives.
Marge: grrrr
Homer: Just saying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mate, pretty crazy stunt, maybe we could start a moto stunt show to pay our way for our bike trip to the territory! We would probably need heaps more tats though. I haven't really used this blog thing before and it has taken me about half an hour to figure out how to leave a message, oh well, it's not like I have a top notch caroma to utilise for hours on end or a centrepiece bin to admire while the hours slip away. Alright I have to do my tax, it's complex being a director and all. Are we geeing up for next weekend or what? It could be my last weekend in the country for a couple of months and maybe forever if I don't make it back from North Korea. I want to ride the moto!!!!! Plus I want to ride the tractor. Brrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmm.......

4:06 AM  
Blogger danielinamerica said...

north korea? dude, i didn't know you were apt in nuclear armament. And i also think that when you say we need heaps more tats, we need at least one from you. I hope you got the whole ghost rider, nicolas cage thing, with my big stunt. And dave told me you were going to splendour in the grass this coming weekend.

6:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty sweet stunt man, and good work on the callaghan family tat, don't know if your stunt has a patch on my unintentional mono, but still pretty awesome

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah man, splendour is the weekend after, that's why this is my last available weekend. We have to do it this week man, for sure. Dave is on drugs. Bad ones. I learnt all about nuclear armament in a board meeting. You learn lots of things in board meetings but only board members can know about stuff like that. Shit, I think I've said too much already...

4:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus Dan you've finaly lost the plot. I thought we had both lost it when we would strap a camera to ratsak and follow her adventures, but anyway nice tat.

4:10 PM  

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