Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It goes to eleven

don't forget to catch the kurri kurri lad, Casey Stoner at this weekends grand prix, i think its the German grand prix. With the aussie flag in his number 27, we can all be proud of this boy who would have spent some time growing up in cessnock. Is there anything cessnock and kurri kurri can't do? Andrew Johns the worlds greatest rugby leauge player is from kurri kurri, or cessnock , i'm not sure , but the point is, im not sure of that either.

Check out the size of this fish. Somehow my labrodor procured it from the pelicans. Since, the flood has gone down there are still pockets of water in the paddocks, which are now home to numerous waterbirds, like pelicans and black swans, and seagulls. And i have seen my labrodors out in the middle splashing around, and i guess Cleo grabbed a fish. Its a big mullet, i don't know where the head is, perhaps she ate it first. She was pretty proud of it, until ratsac stole it from her, and then the Saint Bernard ended up with, after i told ratsac to drop it.

I just have to put a photo of this guy who flew off in his lawn chair, im sure you've all seen it by now, but what a classic. He went 13000 feet, and travelled for nine hours. It takes me back to the days of jumping off the hayshed roof, with crap strapped to my arms, in the hope of flying.

ive been watching House again, after finishing the episodes i turned to the special features which were severally lacking, so im just watching the episodes again. I don't even watch other TV anymore. The other night peopel were talking about something big in the news and i had no idea, but i did recommend they get a trachotome and 50miligrmas of adrenaline stat. On second viewing i'm picking up so much more, like there is a section where Ron Livingston, from office space, i s on some weird moving bed for a test, and house turns it from six to ten, and then asks if it goes to 11, (from 'this is spinal tap'my amplefier goes to 11)
and Hugh Laurie who plays House, bought a triumph bonneville to celebrate getting the part of House, and he received his first motorcycle from his father at age 16. So the man is a motorcycle rider, he even rides it to the set. Respect. I feel like Homer, when he was obsessed with Thomas Edison, because Edison could do so much.


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