Tuesday, October 23, 2007

leap of faith and the flying spaghetti monster

--According to tabloid reports, Top Gun star Tom Cruise is planning to build a $10 million bunker underneath his Colorado mansion as a precaution against an alleged intergalactic ruler called Xenu who, Cruise believes, will attack Earth. --

this is awesome. the world is kind of confusing, so people choose to believe in a deity or something or rather, and most of the time it is something that cannot be proved. So, if you are going to choose to make a leap of faith into believing something that you can never prove, you might aswell take a big run-up, and leap over a casm, and believe that the flyign spaghetti monster created everything. I'm impressed with Tom Cruise's comittment to his leap - i'm inclined to build my own bunker, just so i can chill and turn up the music really loud, but if it's to escape from the aliens, then why not? Scientology has a lot of ratinal viewpoints with looking at the world, and that is the appeal to many, it is a system with which to live, but i'm guessing that after about the third week they slowly start mentioning Xenu and his band of miscreants.

-i think the church of the flying spaghetti monster is the way, -The central belief is that there is an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster, which created the entire universe "after drinking heavily." - So maybe he can come and chill in my bunker, and listen to Jose Gonzales, watch the Patriots games, and drink heavily, occasionally waxing lyrical about the state of the universe.

And did i mention that the flying spaghetti monster knows what is causing GLOBAL WARMING -- Pirates!! We need more pirates.

If you believe in the spaghetti monster you are known as a pastafarian, and according to the Pastafarian belief system, pirates are "absolute divine beings" and the original Pastafarians.Their image as "thieves and outcasts" is misinformation spread by christian theologians in the middle ages and hare krishnas. Pastafarianism says that they were in fact "peace-loving explorers and spreaders of good will" who distributed candy to small children, and adds that modern pirates are in no way similar to "the fun-loving buccaneers from history." Pastafarians celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day on the 19th of September.

anyway the cause of all the bad such as global warming, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters are a direct effect of the shrinking numbers of pirates since the 1800s.

many religions say it is up to science to disprove that their god doesn't exist, not that they should have to prove it. So the guy who came up with this is poking fun at that concept. No one can prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. If carbon dating or something tries to prove he doesn't exist, you can just be certain that he waved his noodly appendages about and fudged the results.
he is a cool god too, because he doesn't really get into the whole fire and brimstone thing, he has the 'eight i'd really rather you didn'ts' instead of comandments.
and in closing, i bow down to my new master, and all his noodly appendages.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the flying speghetti god is but one of many avatars of the Almighty JRoC, who wholeheartedly supports the celebration of talk like a pirate day. pastafarians are but apostate JRoCians, sowers of schism within the almighty church of JRoC. other avatars include the dalai lama, the pope, and the real government of the united states. you know, the nation state power elite shadow government philosopher-kings (worshippers of another of my avatars, the goat god pan) who really run the show by making morons like dubya take the fall.
and by the by, tom cruz sucks seven ways to sunday, and he should do the whole world a favor and just die. like oprah. and rush limbaugh. and dick cheney. and the entire fox news network. (and about 99.9 of all other people)
all hail the almighty JRoC!!! all would behold him and dispair.

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

top gun, days of thunder, mission impossible 1 and 3. you can't berate mr. cruise, not after he has entertained us all for so very, very long. and you are lucky that through your providence a great network like fox news has been allowed to prosper-not like the true scum of the elite media, namely the new york times.

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tom cruise entertained you... i have yet to see a tom cruise film that was worth the wasted time... if you really want to see a bad one, watch interview with a vampire... also with brad pitt in the worst delivered line of cinematic history: "How can you make me do this? I cannot!" almost as bad as "gentlemen, we have a homicide" in seven...
nuff said.

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

enough said!! pitt and cruise are my two favourite actors. And their colaboration in interview with a vampire was cinematic gold, cruise was so good that anne rice retracted her previous public statement renouncing cruise getting the part of le stat, she loved him in it.

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude... did you delete my last comment? if so, that is bitchery of the highest calibre... if it's a technical issue, you're still a wanker.

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didnt delte any comments, my blog is an open forum; to discuss all ideas on the universe. I think the flying spaghetti monster must have made it invisible for you, because i can see it.

1:48 PM  

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