Saturday, December 22, 2007

Ha Ha Ha

Merry Christmas blog readers, and as this is a very politically correct blog, i have omitted the ghastly and very un-feminine (ho...ho..uh--eh--ho..) just so as not to upset the many women who feel completely assaulted while they innocently go about their shopping, and a big fat man in a red suit calls them a slut. Instead now they will be felt to be mocked at as santa laughs at them, Ha Ha Ha, could easily be misinterpretted to be a jest at the woman's weight or any other number of unflaterring things... so i propose santa simply gives a kind thumbs up with a wink, surely that can't be misinterpretted into something naughty.
Normally you coudl say 'only in america' but it is australia that has forced it's tired indentured servants known as mall santa's into saying Ha Ha Ha.

Anyway, i hope you all get maggot over new years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm offended by the thumbs up. entirely too phallic. laughing is demeaning, so no ha-has or ho-hos (only making a passing swipe at dom imus, he squibbed), and i must say i'm offended by all that white hair, which is obviously a white-power symbol. and the red, clearly communist. that much i approve. in fact, let's just do away with santa in his entirely... and replace him with a nongendered non ethnocentric pat dressed entirely in drab grey...
hell, let's just away with the soldout capitalistic whore-fest once called christmas. let's create a new holiday centered around the worship of, say, me. it will be the almighty jrocmas. everyone gives only to me. cash, booze or smoking substances only. king daniel is commanded to use his kingly powers, as always in the furtherance (is that a word?) of the almighty church of jroc.
you rule only by my providence. spread the gospel of jroc, or i'll smite you in a truly old testament manner. something other than flooding, that is.
happy jrocmas,
your lord and master,

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I King Daniel fully endorse the celebration known as Jrocmas. Red wine is the chosen drink of our new Yule festival, where of course freedom is the centrepoint so if one wants jim beam, then one can have jim beam. And of course we mustn't forget to send all our cash, booze and smoking substances to Jroc's dorm room... hmm even with all these gifts i think you'll be out by April, so i think we need to also annex Easter and include it as a little post jrocmas celebration where Jrocs supplies of booze and hookah is relplenished. This way you can spend 12 months of the year merrily trashed in your dorm room, while enjoying your erudite behaviour of indulging in the histories of the world. What a marvelous idea. If only the rest of the world enjoyed studying the great philosophies and literature of the world with a gentle buzz brought on by red wine or hookah, then we perhaps we would all be more tolerant.
Merry Jrocmas to all.

6:01 PM  

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