Friday, April 04, 2008

I'm 25... which is 1/40th the way to 1,000 !!!

so on turning 25 i can't help but feel remiss if i don't reflect on certain aspects of my
life. In particular it is the passage of time that is intriguing, and the way we all relate
to it. How we are all slaves to such a subjective and objective measure at the same time.
Objective in the way that it is measured by (and i remember this from some obsure science
article) the decay of an electron, yet it is also subjective in the way our brain interprets
the world. Such as being a child, a six week vacation seems like a lifetime, but as an adult
it can take six weeks to take out the garbage or remove that old bbq chicken from your
freezer, and those six weeks go by in a flash. And as is also noted that when you arein a
life or death situation and your brain is full of adrenaline and is absorbing a hero's

amount of information like in a car crash-time will seem to slow down. Anyway on the topic
of time, i find it interestin gthat one of my blogs was about transformers as it was being
made.. how some guy had captured some photos of optimus prime whilst being filmed.. and just
now.. nearly two years later i was just sitting and watching transformers on dvd, (which my
beautiful fiance has just given me for my 25th birthday) and thinking wow this thing was
just being made. So it seems that as i get older and my brain compresses things in a
different way, i can lose two weeks or even two years without hardly any conscious effort in
losing such time, and that is what is a little scary, because it's like there is now no
effort in losing time, unlike when you want somethign special it stands still and it never
happens (like me wanting my R1 more than anything, so time IS standing still on that note-
but for the most part it is racing forward like some crazy horned beast that needs water and
is charging toward the river, the river of course in this analogy is death... anyway so i'm
watching transformers, i'm about to turn 25 and i'm newly engaged to a beautiful woman, so

i'm as content and happy as i have ever been, yet time marches even faster!! But i would
like to get back to Transformers, seeing as i can't control time, but i can't analyse one of
favourite movies...and let's face it, i could write 80,000 words on time and barely scrath
the surface of how much of a mind-fuck it is.. so back to Transformers, i'm slowly getting
over John Torturro's performance as the sector seven agent, but he still seems to me to
really be in it for some stupid crowd-pleasing aspect that i still can't grasp, it's like he
is so comical and archetypal he is retarted. I just think it might not even be the
character, but a pure casting mistake-the guy just seems out of place, but seeing as it's
one of my top 3 movies of all time i will try to forgive one of my top 3 worst performances
of all time (now is that not a contradiction!) I will have to look on the net because i have
mentioned it before, but i have picked up two references to a previous Michael Bay film,
being armageddon... the first where the kid is running after the asteroid/transformer
landing on earth and yelling out 'this is 100 times better than armegeddon' and the other
more hidden reference is when shia lebouf is talking to torturro on the top of the hoover
damn and tells him to forigve his girlfriends criminal records, 'like forever' which refers
to bruce willis saying that none of the guys want to pay taxes 'like forever'.

Now the biggest plot-hole which has escaped my attention until now is the Josh Duhamel character who is i believe either a marine or some sort of special forces... so to show how much of a professional soldier he is, Duhamel is holding toturro by the throat and the John VOight
character says,'i would do what he says, these guys don't really accept losing' .. so as a
professional soldier why would he yell that the best place to take the data cube and protect
it was Mission City!! a city populated by millions of people, which will eneviatbly come
under crazy attack by the decepticons as he states, 'the only way we can do it is with the
airforce..' so he knows the shit is going to go down, yet he delibrately sets that shit
amongst a crazy ass populated city-which clearly goes against any sort of proffesional
millitary strategy- but ofcourse it is far more dramatic to have the transformers battling
it out in the city. And in the other crap thing i can think of is optimus primes colours...
now they do look crap and try-hard, but let's remember that this is simply a mattel toy, and
one with a pretty good backstory that warrented a cartoon and now a movie, so i think if the
guys at mattel in the 80's had of come up with a gay-ass flame colour scheme for optimus
prime they would have done because they thought it looked cool, which must have been Michael
Bay's thinking...

but apart from that i can't knock Michael Bay, who has directed my other
favourite film Armegeddon, to me i put him in the same leauge as Jerry Bruckheimer, who has
gone on to produe my favourite films after Don Simpson died. being The Rock, which was
directed by Bay 'dude you just fuck up your ferrari' 'it's not mine' (in The Rock it seems
Bay found his film camera lenses and filters which have mouled the rest of his films as the
all have the same tint, and grand roman architecture in certain scenes) bruckheimer has also
done Gone in 60 sixty seconds and some others, i have a poster of eleanour, the shelby gt
from 60 sixty seconds and nic cage's unicorn on my wall. I would say pirates of the
carribean is the only crap i have seen from bruckheimer, it made him money but fuck , i
think i just either hate pirates or orlando bloom,.. i guess i'm more of a sci-fi guy which
i why i loved 'the island' by michael bay... But anyway from now on in the mornign when i
wake up i want to say in my deep voice 'I AM DANIEL', just like megatron when he woke up
form his hundred year sleep inside the hoover damn and calmly asserted 'I AM MEGATRON' as we all do when we regain consciousness.

Anyway i could go on with talk about the continuity in the Bay's fight scenes or lack there off, but the point is - any bay or bruckheimer film is a great way to escape the clutches of time, and escape using our popcorn and surround sound with bay sound-effects (tribal drums and choir octaves over john williams typ scores) to imerge into total sensory illusion for two-odd hours, forgetting about the troubles of the world--instead of these agy-ass oscar nominated films which make us Concentrate on the troubles of the world for TWO hours!!!! here's to putting my feet up and being swept away, with bravado and heroism and rigth vs wrong and good verse evil. Here's to Michael Bay, Bruckheimer, and Fincher (who did my all-time fav Fight CLub) and here's to getting engaged and feeling content and fulfilled, and here's to turning 25 and thinking wow what the fuck is going on? but being happy at the same time and stumbling forward. You've been a great audience...

Quotes : Blue Harvest
Imperial Officer 1: Hold your fire. There's no life forms aboard.
Imperial Officer 2: Hold your fire? What, are we paying by the laser now?
Imperial Officer 1: You don't do the budget, Terry. I do.
Luke Skywalker:Well, I guess I'll go bullseye some womp rats in my T-16.
Quagmure - c3p0: My God! You shoot small animals for fun? That's the first indicator of a serial killer, you freak!
Luke Skywalker: There's two suns and no women. What the hell am I supposed to do?


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