motorcycles are awesome because you feel alive when you ride one, more alive than you will ever feel in your life because death is so close, and you can really feel your own mortality, which is so much further than what can be said when you just follow convention and work and watch tv etc.... it's like 'life is art' and you can use that as a philosophy about how to live really live life. Like instead of buying a 10 dollar mcdonalds meal you buy a 12 dollar thai meal, or instead of a 6dollar OK magazine you buy an 8 dollar science journal....
now the OK magazine and what not are cool, but 'life is art' just means that sometimes you work a little but harder to have alittle bit more reward, just a little bit more culture, like having a table and seeing a nice piece of glass and spending the money on it instead of beer or something, anyway you can interpret 'life as art' any way you want, even if it is like Jroc watching the lord of the rings over and over again as eye candy .... i got the whole 'life is art' notion from john travolta on the tv show 'interview with the actors studio' and travolta was talkign with nic cage about how he would rather buy a new yorek instead of a crap magazine and cage said he likes a nice piece of glass... anyway Casey Stoner just won the donnington (british) motogp and is third in the championship and his ducati is going well so hopefully if he can string some more wins together he can take the lead , his form is good so hopefully he can keep it up.... i will have my R1 sooon, that's right a vehicle that can do 295km/h or about 180 miles per hour, in a fewe seconds. so let the test and tag roll on.. lol, anyway who plays nintendo wii ??????? please tell me, because it rocks, jroc ill get you down under soon , i swear to god, it will be the greatest few months of your life,
peace out eveyrone, i'm off to watch 'into the wild' whcih is a movie of which i devoted a whole blog to not long along,... anyway i think said blog went deep enough, if you have any questions please ask and we will delve into the depths of what it is to be human... and beyond.... have a nice 24 hour period, over and out....
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