Friday, March 30, 2007

the damn well

the god damn Well, will , hopefully be done by monday, It has already been done before , (but it turned out not deep enough, and not enough holes drilled) and ive spent the past two weeks jackhammer drilling god damn holes, and tonight simmo showed his intestinal fortitude , and put himself amongst some of the toughest blokes i know, by signing on to such an endevour, and going at it full throttle. The man can work, he can work hard. And he proved it tonight. When you feel tired and fucked, sometimes there is just some shit that needs to be done, and simmo did it, he proved that he should be on my list of people who i would go to the end of the earth for... because there is not many people , at all, who would do what simmo did.

Anyway, i was going to do the T1 terminator review, but i watched about 10 minutes of it the other day, and realized i was tooo drunk, and i think i walked out of the living room, but i was hammered so i dont know, but i remember it beiong kind of dark, and not dark as in the plot or content, but the production had poor lighting, even though it is an awesome movie and an awesome idea by mr james cameron, i cant get past that whole darkness -by production- feel, but perhaps when i am sober it will hold my interest, or maybe i just cant see arnie as a bad guy.. because i think bladerunner is too dark too, production wise.. i love the premise of blade runner, but the 80's treatment, to me, doesn't do it justice. That's me, but you could listen to Mr.Villari and be enticed to thinking its the bes movie ever, and possibly it is.

anyway i have a bandage on my right index finger (on account of me trying to show simmo how to drill holes, and sticking my finger in an open fan!! not a good result) but hopefully in the morning i will be healed, and after some beer who cares if its severed or not, the point is .. simmo worked his ass off.

my quote today is, by me, something that said, yep, and i said "avril is hot in her new clip" amd i stand by that quote. I think she is hot in "girlfriend"

Saturday, March 24, 2007

terminator 2

T2 is a terrific movie. Wow, i was just blown away. But also i have to note how impressed i was with the Special Effects. Un freaking believable for 1991--plus it has a gunners tune!!! any movie with an original guns and roses tune is alright by me. But geeze louise it was a great story, and it was allowed to unfold naturally, and had nearly as many american 'sitcom' moments as t3, which everyone belittled. Now tomorrow , i will again watch T1(yes ive been watching them achronologically, but all the magic adds up!) but back to T2 , wow what a feast for the eyes, even though the film is 16years old. Now granted the SFX was awesome, but very limited, like you think the T1000 by your memory has a huge part, but looking now at the film the t1000 is barely in it. And by the standards of 91 it was a huge achievement, which stilll stacks up to the testament of time by today's outrageous CGI standards. And the only downfall is the number of SFX shots not the quality, because every SFx shot there is, is freaking awesome. And that is just terrific because is shows that even my generation of "immediate pleasers" is able to enjoy something nearly 20years old, at almost the same level as one of today's movies.

And T2 has some incredible themes. The part where Schwarzenegger is talking to the boy (furlong) at the gas station where Sarach C
onnor has her weapons stashed, and she does the voice over, which talks about how the "machine" will always be there for him, and wont leave him like his real dad, and will even give his life for him. Wow, that shows more "humanity" than most humans, and it shows how what we think of consciousness, and what it is to exist. That whole two minute sequence highlights man's biggest philosophical concerns, and it offers some answers, albeit fictional. Now, is the biologicl father who disavows knowledge of a son, more of a 'being' than a robot who will go to any lengths to protect that son. And i say 'being' because we all get caught up in what it is to be "human" that we forget that maybe it is what it is to be a "being" which allows us to choose. Everyone is so caught up with what it is to be human, that with such a statement we forget what it is to be a "being" which can encompass much, much more.

For instance, if any of you reading this have ever had a dog or a cat, and you can safely predict what their actions will be , because you know their "personality" and how such a "personality" will react in such a situation. (like going to a new place to feed, not a learned place, but somewhere completely new and unpredictable, but i guess they know to follow you.. damn )So i put forth, right now, that we not overdiscuss what it is to be "human" but we discuss to great lengths what it us to be a "being" and hopefully a rational one. And this discussion can go forth with the movie T2, which examines how we define a "being" external to ourselves. Like, just because its parts are made of metal, should it be less superior to a human being????? And just because those metal parts have achieved their mission they should be destroyed (a mission which we have programmed, then it is no longer uselful apart from cleaning the yard.)--and then we can ask the extension of that point is:

- take a robot who is programmed to save any human life--and a human who is a psychopath who kills often. Now who should survive? and who is acting the most "human" or who is acting like a rational "being" ? Does it feel inherent in your psyche to think that the robot is doing more "good" for society, than the psychopath who only wants to kill people. But, then you must realize that the psychopath has biological organs, and the robot is programmed by what we think is good. So, yes it feel like the robot is doing a good thing. .... But then what if th robot is prgrammed by a psychopath, lol, forget that, forget it all, because you're all ass holes... (you know i can't have a drunken blog wihtout being offensive.)

But anyway i hope everyone has had a great day, and everyone is having a great saturday night.. I know i am, but that still doesn't mean i don't have to wake up and drill holes in concrete tubes.

Quotes: Family Guy

Peter: By the way Lois, I got a piercing over there. I'm not going to tell you where but I will give you a hint--it wasn't on my nose or my ear and it was one of my balls.
Peter: Ok, here's another riddle. A woman has two children. A homicidal murderer tells her she can only keep one. Which one does she let him kill?
Brian: That's... that's not a riddle. That's ... that's just terrible.
Peter: Wrong, the ugly one!
Meg Griffin: Listen to me. My entire future is in your hands.
Mayor Adam West: Are you Sarah Connor?
Meg Griffin: No, I'm Meg Griffin.
Mayor Adam West: Oh, God. I love this song. And I love it when amateurs sing the lyrics. But I hate baseball cards.
Mayor Adam West: Well, this is odd
Peter Griffin: What?
Mayor Adam West: I've never encountered anything like this before... but your property doesn't seem to be on the map. It's not part of Quahog.
Peter Griffin: What the hell are you talking about, i've been living at 31 Spooner Street for 12 years.
Mayor Adam West: Sorry, but according to this map, you are not even a part of these United States, which would make you...A COMMUNIST!
Peter Griffin: AH!
Mayor Adam West: AH!
Mayor Adam West: Quiet young man, can't you see we are having a poker game. Now, I'll ask again. If I order a pizza, will anyone else have some?
Mark:I might have a slice.
Mayor Adam West: Well, you know, I'm going to need more of a commitment than that Mark...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

terminator 3

i don't care what you idiots think. I love terminator 3. I know it's not as 'serious' in certain parts, and perhaps in some parts, yes, yes it does play to an audience with generic american 'sitcom' humour. But you can all go and get fucked. I just knocked off from jackhammer drilling holes in a concrete pipe all day, which i have done yesterday, and tomorrow and the day after that, and there is nothing better than knocking off, having a few brews and watching some awesome action. And T3 delivers, it doesn't have some emotional bullshit that might win an oscar, and it doesn't have the serious sci fi shit that probes so deep it appeals to star trek junkies. No, it just has some good old action with a few laughs, and a few really deep thoughts about the nature of existence.

So if you don't like this movie ill meet you in the carpark, and we can fight about it, and this time i've been doing some serious weight training with the jackhammer and concrete!!!lol, anyway, see the point is, everyone, and by everyone i mean the other people who think are movie buffs and think that every movie should enlighten them, and all that jazz. I'm talking about people who think their choice of movies is so superior than other people that they are actually better people for choosing that movie, and thats a load of bullshit. Because its all just a few images on the screen, and i think t3 did a great job of taking me far away from the drudgery of daily life (drilling holes) and into a fantastical wonderland of being a hero and saving the earth. lol. (laughing out loud)

Movie critics seem to want some base human instinct in every movie, they seem to want some glimpse into what life is really about, they seem to want to be able to watch a flickering image on a screen for 90 minutes and say , wow! that's humanity! wow, that is everything that i think life is about; and everything with which i approve life is about so therefore i endorse this movie, because it has reached what i feel as a reasonable representative of life and the emotions with which i feel. Bullshit, And fuck them, the idiots, they should go and actually live life, and not try and express everything that life is about; vicariously through some image on the screen. We all know life is painfull, and there are losses, but fuck ---does every single movie have to represent that???????????? Lets have some fun....

Because as Johnny Cash says in 'boy named sue' he says: 'life is tough and if you're gonna survive you gotta be tough.' Yet all these damn movie critics, have their food brought to them on a platter and they sit around judging other peoples art based on what type of life they want portrayed in front of them. I say, if i knock off from actually working (not just pencil pushing; but doing real shit which affects the phyisical world) and then i enjoy an escape, and fuck you movie critic for trying to deminish that experience. And fuck you movie critic for trying to say what life is-- and should be about on the screen, and then forcing that 'life' onto me with your stoopid thumbs up system!!!

I say, we should have some some fun withour popcorn flicks which let us actually release from the drudgery of life. But we find critics applauding movies which drag us through the emotional turmoil, and make us relive the terrible moments in our life, or in our imagined life. That's fine for some, but i like and escape and so do the majority of people (that is why armageddon is a blockbuster, and crash didn't make much money) so i say we should applaud those movies who allow people to be free of humanly shgackels for a moment, i say roll around in a greasy triumph at letting people who have real jobs feel free for a moment, and lets not give way to the negative and pessemistic movie critic who thinks every feeling he/she has --- should be culminated into some grand point on the screen.

Okay onto somthing else. I wish i had of filled out my voting registration, so i could vote in this weekends state election. See i told Jroc and many others in the USA that we have a compulsory voting system, which we do, but for some reason im off the grid. Anyway i would definately vote for the shooters party because im looking to get a .243 , but besides that i would as far right as i can, because i know people on the left vote for parties that support the aclu, which condons nambla, and fuck, that just makes me sick, for people who don't know in the usa there is an organization in the usa called nambla which stands for the north american man boy love association. And the aclu, (american civil liberties union) ---its a union need i say more--- won't to defend their right to 'free speech' even though the group openly prescribes to ideas that permit adult men having relations with young boys, the whole thing is sick and anyone in nambla should be shot, but noooo, the aclu and people on the left feel that that would impose on free speech to stop the nambla people from advocating such atrocities. The whole thing is ridiculous. Freedom doesn't mean hurting other people. And to condone such things is criminal.

(if you're not political don't read this section) So when i register for the next election. I will vote for someone who lowers taxes and brutalizes criminals, i don't want them released on good behaviour shit, fuck if you're poor you don't have to rob that bank, like most poor people don't, you go out and fucking work. But the left want to give the poor money without them doing anything, they want to decriminalize drugs, and they want to broaden government control. Which costs the tax payers. Being rational and effiecient, is all about economies of scale, and a business that has a budget will perform more efficiently than a bussiness with carte blanche on the cheque book. It's about the rational versus the 'wishy washy' feelings that every person on this earth is good and every person deserves something form this world. No, i say, this world is fucken tough , and you have to try to make it through without piggy banking on the average worker's taxes so you can be paid welfare and then the pension until you die.

I saw cinderella man the other day, and fuck i love russel crowe and that movie (almost enough to have me barracking for souths! ) no i would never follow souths, the idiots. But cinderella man, is just a great testimant to what i was talking about. Life owes you a living, but you have to work hard to get it. And i think it's true, whether it's you, or your parents or grandparents, which explains the hiltons, and being an heiress and all that jazz. Well you have to be do something to be well off, and you have to contribute to society.
But the left think you should be able to live some paradise life without you ever lifting a finger, and then, wow , then , once you've landed a job , fuck you better have to keep that job for the rest of your life or there will be hell to pay... that's what the unions think, fuck that shit, a business is going well if it can employ someone, that's hard enough. But then if they have to obey union rules, you might as well take your business to china, because its to hard to compete in australia. It's to hard to give a worker triple time just because its sunday, and so the business loses money becuase they cant produce, and the union stays strong despite the fact that there are no jobs left for the union to defend because they have all gone over seas because the union demands were to high to allow anyone to be competitive. Even the word "union" is an anachronism for today's global market place.

The government, which with todays media is so accountable for every action, the government is also accountable for OHS. And that is all a worker needs, because as soon as other workers, (who are as dopey aqs the rest of them) get together and make demands which they have no idea on what bearing it has to international commerce, but they get together under a union and make demands-- on what they think life should be--- not what life actually is (which is harsh ) and then those demands are just too hard to keep up with for the small business, so they either cease employment or don't make any new employments, which means less jobs. And because the union thought they knew how life and their workplace should be, without looking at international competitors who will do the same work for a lot less, so they end up defending a job that exist because it has already gone overseas.

Now back in the day the union was necessary. The unions were actually started in the mines, it has a long history steeming back to the mines. But these days, when you have an accountable government that control OHS (occupational health and safety)which keeps the mines completely safe, and the miners being paid the equivalent of a GP(doctor). So then, what is the use of a union?? Well, the only use of a union then is to create such workplace demands that it weakens the business's ability to compete, so then they are forced to move overseas. It's not the 50's, which was only good relative to the bad of ww2, but no, it's a tough world which requires a malleable workforce, and such malleability can't be gained from restrictions that a union creates to see that their employees live some dream life from a fairy world where their feet never have to touch the ground.

I have a lot of holes to dig tomorrow, and if anyone wants to talk unions with me, i used to work for a union. They are innefficient, just like government employees are inneffficient, and that's why the right wing people want privatization; so business has accountability and becomes efficient, not just provide some douchebag a job which contributes nothing to society.

So in conclusion, if you vote for the greens (who want to legalize drugs) or the labor party, you are an absolute idiot with no idea of the real world, you think you know what 'should' be right, but you have no idea what is rational. But, on another note, if some of my friends (i'm sure most of them) do fall under such an umbrella , i take pity on you , but i will hold nothing against you personally, Claire, Dave and Simmo, but lets not name names, actually i'll take Dave off the list, because i think Dave is a top bloke and i would go to the end of the earth for Dave. Also Liz and Fel, and maybe Kimbo and some other newy high people, "handley bla bla bla are left wingers including glynn,,, anyway i know my grammar friends are rational , such as lachy, who i would also go to the end of the earth for, because he is a top fucking bloke. This concludes my diatribe. Jroc you missed out on the left wing list because your american, and i dont want to bundle you into this, plus you're also a person i would go to the end of the earth for. Jim, Steve, Morris, Jroc, Handley , Brett, Dave, Lachy, are the people who immediately come to mind who i would go the end of the earth for, Simmo is after that and all the others, Girls are a different story, these are just the blokes, i don't even want to start thinking about putting the girls in order, because us men are stoopid and black and white and appreciate lists, but women have that grey area which i'm not even going to try to work out.

Quotes: Family Guy

Lois: Okay here we go, "What color is a firetruck?"
Peter: Aww, oh God I always get these. Umm..okay..uhh..all right..firetruck..firetruck firetruck firetruck firetruck. What color are those red firetrucks? Uhh..Oh god I can picture them now...all red and everything.
Lois: Are you gonna miss me?
Peter: Only until I go to the newsstand and buy a Hustler.
Peter: Lois, everyone has their sanctuary. The Catholics have churches, fat people have Wisconsin, and I have the Pawtucket Brewery.
Meg: I can't believe my stupid parents are going to follow around stupid old KISS, it's painful.
Peter: Not half as painful as a tire iron upside your head.
Meg: What?
Peter: I'll miss you!
Trisha Takinawa: Here comes Mayor Adam West himself. Mr. West, do you have any words for our viewers?
Mayor Adam West: Box, toaster, aluminum, maple syrup... no I take that one back. I'm gonna hold onto that one.
Chris: What do you do at a Young Republicans meeting?
Alyssa: We help those who already have the means to help themselves. Also, we perpetuate the idea that Jesus chose America to destroy non-believers and brown people.
Chris: I don't know why, but I feel safer already. (Wow, people who help themselves get ahead in life, hmmm, i think that's what capitalism is all about, you try your hardest to succeed within the freedoms of being able to do what you want to do, it seems pretty good to me, without other people increasing your taxes so that you have to be a burden on the dumbasses who don't contribute to society)
Chris: Dad, I tried to go to school but this guy won't let me.
Peter: Oh yeah? Him and what army?Chris: The U.S. Army.
Peter: Oh, that's a good army.
Okay this is it, i think? My favourite quote of all time, this is the one all three of my readers have been waiting for... drumroll, dum de dum de dumm..................................... this is my favourite quote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here it goes.......<
Homer: So, Mr. Burns is gonna make us all go on a stupid corporate retreat up in the mountains to learn about teamwork. Which means we'll have to cancel our plans to hang around here
Bart: Teamwork is overrated.
Homer: Huh?
Bart:Think about it. I mean, what team was Babe Ruth on? Who knows.
Lisa & Marge Simpson: Yankees.
Bart: Sharing is a bunch of bull, too. And helping others. And what's all this crap i've been hearing about tolerance.
Homer: Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

It's coming right for us.

Today i went to the cessnock rifle club, to complete my 'firearms safety and awareness course.' I rolled up at 11am expecting to be there at least an hour-- ten minutes later, i had left after signing my name a couple of times. And filling in a simple 15 question multiple choice exam, which old toothless joe administered. And even if the simple questions would have proved trouble for me, old toothless joe made sure the answer key was in front of me. He was going through the questions with me, and on one of them it asked, if you suspect your neibour has an unlicensed weapon do you, a..b..c..d-call the police. Immediately i said D, and he said 'correct, but in real life i wouldn't do that, the guy would probably shoot you. '

Anyway i can now shoot anywhere in the great state of new south wales, and now i can buy a double barrel shotgun to go clay shooting, and a rifle. I would like to get a 303 so i can go blow fuck out of wilderbeast or something, but i'll have to settle with a .22 rifle and shotty. I was thinking about sawing the barrel off, but after the rigorous awareness course, i think it might be a neddy no no-
My next step is to get my paintball gun license so i can get some paintball guns to play with in my forest. Which i specifically planted 3 years to act as one acre of pure paintball arena fun. And in about six months, my ridiculously circuitous plan will finally come to fruition. mmwaaa hahahah..... All i need now is some night vision goggles; if only i was back in america, i saw a great set in vegas for two hundred bucks.

I also had to join a gun club, and roll up to four events per year, and amongst the paperwork they gave me, was a how to vote card. Which has some extreme achrimony against the greens. I have to vote for the shooting party now, i was thinking about finally registering anyway so i could vote in this next election. Little johnny needs all the help he can get.

And after many fruitless tries, i cant get my motorbike going, so i'll have to find a new one, which will cut into my tattoo fund. Wow i'm becoming a real cessnockian,lol , Actually i really liked cessnock today, it had some greats pubs; they were open at 10 am so i could go in a sink a few bourbons before my gun course.

Simpsons Quotes:

Homer: I'd like to buy your deadliest gun, please.
Gun Shop Owner: Aisle six, next to the sympathy cards.
Gun Shop Owner: Well, you'll probably want the accessory kit. Holster…
Homer: Oh, yeah.
Gun Shop Owner: Bandoleer.
Homer: Baby.
Gun Shop Owner: Silencer.
Homer: Mmm-hmm.
Gun Shop Owner: Loudener.
Homer: (drooling noise)
Gun Shop Owner: Speed-cocker.
Homer: Ooh, I like the sound of that.
Gun Shop Owner: And this is for shooting down police helicopters.
Homer: Oh, I don't need anything like that…yet. Just give me my gun.