Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the punk rock show

ok, so who the hell made this the first of march??? c'mon, fess up!! i haven't blogged for awhile and i thought seeing as its mid february id make a post, but no, the dang computer is telling me its the 1sr of march. So somehow i have lost about 15 days into the ether, as i wake and eat and do my thing only to rest again at night, as we all do. But geeze louis, ihave never felt time go so fast. As a philosopher i have learnt that it is all sibjective, and time as a matter of fact is all a construct of the human mind. And thus as that mind ages, so do the relative bounds that we once placed upon it-- you remember six weeks of holiday lasting an eternity when you where a child? now in six weeks you can barely wake up, scratch your ass, say hello to the neighbours, have about one illegal game of poker with the mates, read two or three chapters of a book, and spend ten minutes realizing how fast its all moving.

Anyway the punk rock show... last week o went into sydney with Handley to see Nofx at Luna park. And i must say, luna park freaking rules, it should be set up permantley, (for my yank friends, luna park used to be open every day, until people built houses around it, then the peopel in those houses complained so they had to shut down, and what a lot of bullshit.) Luna park is situated right under the sydney harbour bridge. So me and handley rocked up, and joined in a guy pissing on one of the supoort beams! It's quite an accomplishmenty saying you have taken a leek on the harbour bridge at night whille looking at the illuminated opera house on the far side of the shore, while some punk rocker in a black shouts profanities, and you think about the hundreds of people who died making the bridge, and think .. fuck .. what's this all about...

anyway nofx went off , and cheney was in sydney at the same time, and cheney is nofx's arch nemesis because they think he is the controller of Bush. Anyway, i love both nofx and Cheney, so i see no beef there. And yes jroc i understand both sides of the equation.

After nofx i spent 12 hours drilling through a conrete pipe, because my old man is putting in two wells. It was some hard damn work, but on the upside the dude who was working the excavator and digging the wells, (and lives down the road) had a saint bernarn that he had flown up from adelaide. It is only six months old and already nearly three times the size of my labrodor. And he rented an appartment or somethign and couldnt keep it, so it was tieds up to his truck all day, so i took it. It would be worht several huyndred dollars. But he's a cute guy and giant, and it takes three square meals a day to feed him, like tony said when i showed him. 'do you have some spare meat you want to get rid of?'
it's true the guy is giant ill see if i can post a pic. Anyway peace everyone, and try to hold onto those moments that keep slipping away for me.

i called the new dog: Rath Luban
mom wants to call him: Ruben
and some others say: Rasputen

so let me know what you think.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The computer has been in the shop for the past week, god damn windows and bill gates; just like Lisa said, 'damn woffle iron has been in the shop forever,' then she went on to create life with her lost tooth and some electricty provided by an electric shock by Bart who in turn later becomes the arch nemesis of the tiny civilization. This mini episode in one of the the simpsons halloween epsidsodes that raises many issues which sci fi normaly raises.

And i am pleased to announce that Matt Groening and others have been working on 16 fresh episodes of Futurama for the 2008 season. He is noted to comment that in the final episodes of the season that was axed, they began breaching some true philosophical and sci fi questions, particularly the award winning episode that saw Bender being shot off into space and being hit by a meteor and a tiny civilization forming on his own person. And my favourite all time episode , of anything not only Futurama, its the episode called 'jurrasic bark' which sees Fry trying to bring back to life his old dog. --i bought the dvd but i only bring it out once or twice a year, and after many wines/!!!!lol..And there is another one where he hates his brother, but it turns out his brother loved him and named his son after him. I just hope they keep up the good work like that in the new 16 episodes in production as you read this!

and i would also like to claim that i am the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby; yep you can check my plane tickets and stuff and it all works out perfectly, cough-- 1 billion dollars-- all those other blokes who think they are the father are fools, they are being fatuous. And just look at them, there is that one formula one guy who sounds like a robot!! seriously his voice sounds like it is coming from a synthesizer like stephen hawking. It's freaking bizzarre and i don't want my daughter brought up in such a synthetic environment, especially not when she can live with me and see all the faults of a true biological being-- the alcoholism and so forth... lol.

-i also saw a shark fin, while i was fishing the heads out near broughton island the other day. It's the first time i've ever seen a shark fin. I didn't see daggermouth, or hennessy. I didn't even catch one fish.

Family guy

Brian: Peter, did you read the fine print on this loan contract?
Peter: Um, if by "read" you mean imagined a naked lady, then, yes.

Peter: Excuse me, is your refrigerator running? Because if it is, it probably runs like you - very homosexually.

Waiter:Sea water, courtesy of that gentleman over there.
Hennessey: You need $50,000, Griffin? I got a suggestion for you.
Why don't you kill Daggermouth?
Peter: Maybe I will, Hennessey.

Hennessey: Nice fish you got there griffin, what are selling? your bait?

King of the hill

HANK: Bill, it was a different time. It was back when we didn't know the Russians were incompetent.

HANK: I've been driving bobtail trucks at Strickland for two decades.
DALE: Ooh, I am so impressed! Have you also downloaded the classified instruction manual for this tank from Vladimir Putin's website, took a correspondence course in Russian, translated the manual, memorized it and eaten it? Have you, Hank?... Putin?

CAPTAIN: On the plus side, your breath is unusually minty and inoffensive.
BILL: Sir, I'm brushing every day now, sir.

DALE: I'll tell you what's going on with our beer. They've sold it to the Japanese, who will change the formula and repackage it in square bottles that will only fit cupholders in Japanese cars.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


gi saw a family guy tonight, where peter griffin could only play the piano when he was drunk, and he could also vomit-fall down-and hit on lois's sister- but apart from that he could play some serious piano. Now this reminded me of myself who, me, can only blog when i've had a few partucket patriots, (which is family guy code for cheap red wine) but joe next door like coors, and you can hear him saying 'go the silver bullet' as he is pushed out of the partucket brewery, and seeing as ive been to america i actually get that joke, because the silver bullet is what they call a can of coors light, americans for some reason seem to love drinking from their cans. On an unrelated note, i wish i could walk around with a gloc 9mm, but no, i cant even have a god damn paintball gun without a license.

Only in America. And hooters, see i knew hooters tried to open up shop in australia back in the late 90's, but failed (perhaps because we don't tip! so it doesn't matter if your a hot chick in a tank top or a fat chick in overalls you''ll still make the same cash (am i right boys? yeah you know im right.) but anyway apparently they have opened a new one in paramatta recently. But i don't give it long, because without tips, seriously there is no point in having hot chicks at a restaurant. Like i went to a couple of hooters in america, so i know what im talking about, they come and rub your arm and flirt and stuff and you give 'em five or ten bucks, but that wouldn't happen in australia because we don't tip. Now i'm not saying tipping is good, im just saying that the concept probably wouldn;t work in australia because we don;t have tipping.

I heard that tipping for the yanks, came about during the depression when noone could afford to pay their staff, but instead of laying them off, they expected those who could afford a meal out to pay a bit extra to cover the waiters/ress payment for the night. Thus tipping was born. So the waiter/ress is payed nothign and relies on those who can afford the meal. And it has carried on through till today. --It works out to about a dollar US per drink, so it gets really fucking annoying, but on the flipside a bottle of jim beam is 12bucks, thaty about 18aussie dollars!! that's right you can buy a big bottle of beam for 18 aussie dollars because they don't have tax on it. And man that was my downfall when i first got there.

On another unrelated note, i've just watched the second episode of heroes, (it was on way back when i was in the USA but i had frat parties to contend with, rather than sitting watching the tube) but now im back ive started watching this show, and man its fucking awesome pop entertainment, it's a case study in suspense, lol. I love it. Its the first series that im going to follow since the OC (which i stopped watching after season 2) and before that was dawson's creek, --i missed the whole prison break thing--- so all in all ive only followed three shows, the rest of the tv i watch is -family guy-simpsons-futurama-kingofthehill- and occasionally bold and beautiful (it depresses me, but its always on tv when mum and dad watch it so sometimes i tune in) - so i have big expectations for heroes, and so far it hasn't let me down, like life has , lol. I mean who else thought that they would be living in a highrise apartment in manhatten and drinking martini's at night with models and working a high powered stock broking job by day by the time they were 24. I know i did, and now i get excited if i get to leave the house to go to the post office-- ahh life's miserable dissapoinments.

p.s --colts blow.
pps- also whoever is still reading this let me know, because im just about ready to stop. I know lachy is reading it, thats about it. But who cares, ill still write it for lachy, you know it lachy!!

Quotes from family guy

Brian: I just spent all morning watching a VH1 special on Gwen Stefani. I don't know what a Hollaback girl is. All I know is that I want her dead.
Bonnie: Somebody save him, he can't swim!
Peter: Oh, he's not even kicking. Kick Joe, kick.
Lois: Peter, he's a paraplegic!
Peter: That doesn't mean he can't hear. Kick Joe, kick!
Chris: What's a library, dad?
Peter: Oh, it's just a place where homeless people come to shave and go BM.
Peter: I think the lesson here is, it really doesn't matter where you're from, as long as we're all the same religion.
Peter: Oh man, Lois is really pissed at me.
Brian: Yeah, who knew welfare fraud was one of her buttons? --- (i love this one, who knows what random crap women will get upset at, guys, am i right? yeah you know i'm right)

I feel that sometimes, things in the past hurt so much, that it affects how you feel now. And i'm talking about everything, from a simple kiss to ten years of friendship that now seems useless. I am talking about the true essence of life______ and it hurts and it is glorious at the same time. I ask you now. Have you ever had such a moment that you feel like 'this is life! this is pretty much it, there might be some other high points in the future, but if the bus hits me now i have reached that ultimate level of sensation? Or are you still languishing in the doldrums, and too afraid to do something. But who is to say that anything is courageuous or not? What person tells you that you're such a hero? Aren't we all in this weird cosmic boat together, with no directions, and only a paddle with which we don't really know how to use?' But i ask you to just think of a time of pure beauty, someplace in your life that felt right and pure and good, and then ask yourself, is that life? ---------------or is life when you walked outside and killed that snail. Who is to say? In this sweet madness, at least people with our priviledge have the luxury of thinking of such things, so, so many billions of people in the world do not have the opportunity to think of anything but obtaining water and food. And here we are contemplating the meaning of life, we must think ourselves lucky because there are so many people thinking of obtaining bread whether it be stale or not, and here we are trying to decide how best to live our lives. But alas with such tradgedy i will move forward, and so must we, because unless we have great monies or effect legislature, we might aswell think of oursleves, because life is brutal and no one else will. So then...

Things seem so very simple in a single moment, but when looked back upon, they are the most incredible and intricate of times, never to be reclaimed and forever to langour without hope in such a situation as we can never relive. -----And yet our lives moves ever forward, while that which is beautiful dissapears further away, until it is nothing but a point in the distance and we finally remark on how beautiful it adds to the sky's glamour for the night. And then we sleep, we curl up in bed and feel our body shiver against the felt, and warm the felt, and then our body is warm. But our soul longs for more, it feels happy on those special moments, that come so rarely-

-but they do come and it is then that all the hardship makes sense. All that shit that we carry every day, everything we burden oursleves with and hope to one day achieve PERFECTION, we want to be the most incredible person that we can be,( but what if that person isn't so good anyway.) And we all move forward --no matter if we animal or human--into such a great unknowing and unjudging abyss that we can only hope to achieve one moment, one sheer moment of glory and happiness that makes all the anxiety dissapear, and it makes all the pain drop off the edge of the cliff, and it makes all our emotions which are so vastly turbulent, seem happy for a blink of the eye. (And we might write a few lines to try and clarifly with the other blog readers,) but in the other blink we dispare, and then die. Never to be heard from again, and all our shitty problems that we think are so important die with us. In three generations we are gone; never to be thought of again.

Monday, February 05, 2007

god damn colts ok a part from my last post where i put up morris stacking it on his skateboard, this is one of the funniest youtube things i have ever seen. Courtesy of matt who lives in DC. This is typical america, a regular council meeting, liek you have in newcastle or maitland, yet this guy has some serious issues, which need to be dealt with in front of theboyuscouts!! there is a rogue helicopter pilot!!!! and even john edwards and the FBI know about, it might even be funnier than morris stacking it so check it out. Typical ''over the top american arrogance'' for you nay sayers. but this guy has a serious rogue helicopter pilot problem, lol.

anyway, so the damn colts won the superbowl. Pretty much two weeks ago when the colts faced the Patriots in the AFC divisionsal playoffs and won in the last mintue, god damn them, that was THE superbowl, anyone who knows anything about football knew that this year whoever won the AFC divisional championship would go on to win the superbowl, which for those uneducated is just like when we had the ARL and the superleague and the winner out of each was going to play in a big superbowl. But alas we haven't the population for such grand concepts, so the mariners where left to wollow in their own crapulence. Anyway stupid simmo and his stupid colts t shirt turned up and won the superbowl. Damn chicago bears.

But at least i got to watch it on my brand new 62 inch screen, i think that is about 158cm's or there abouts, and the dude did a terrible job of destroying the old one, so that is in the back room after dad reassembled the power cable. The dude just hit a few things with a hammer. FOr htose of you who dont know what im talking about, LG were good enough to give us a new tv even though it was nearly three years out of warranty. And they gave us a slightly bigger one, by two inches!!

Cabernet merlot, has been my wine selection of the weekend. A fine cleanskin; bottled specifically for dan murphey, it is cheap and effective! So on the weekend i went to a 'anything goes but clothes' party' , which isnt what you think, its anything but not proper clothes, so i went in a garbage bag. I was obviously wearing clothes underneath, as the garbage bag barely covered my torso, but at least i made an effort. There were some wacky costumes. !!wow, there some real wacky costumes, and i bet you want to hear about them too...... And viv had her housewarming at annadale, what a nice place, and it was a pool party, but lucky i didnt take my boardies because the pool was three inches deep!!! lol, viv tricked us all with her 'pool party'.

anyway next season will see the patriots destroy all the competition and see peyton manning (QB of the colts) lying in a ditch begging for food. And ill be laughing, laughing all the way to the bank when i reclaim the 200bucks i lost this year on the pats and make it up with 10 grand that i will take straight to vegas (re hook up with my southern belle, whom no hunter girl can compare) and enter the world championship of poker, and compete against joe heschem, ill kick his ass, and anyone else who wants to stand in my way of ultimate glory!! that's right, ULTIMATE GLORY.

Quotes Family Guy
Tom Tucker: A bit of breaking news. A local family is forced out of their home by ghosts. Who are they gonna call?
Diane Simmons: Ghostbusters, Tom?
Tom Tucker: No, Diane. Their insurance company. That's just stupid what you said.
Stewie: Did you hear that Meg? Guys can marry other guys now. So...this is awkward, but I mean, if they can do that, that is pretty much it for you, isn't it? I mean you as well pack it in. Game over.
Peter: Aww things were going so good for me and Stewie, but now he hates me again. Brian what should I do to win him back?
Brian: That depends. Do you want my advice or are you just asking random questions again?Peter: What's a hypotenuse?