Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Chris Benoit is Dead

Eddie Guerrero's friend is dead. When i first heard about this, i thought that Benoit's family had been murdered, but it turns out he smothered his wife on friday, then killed his son on saturday and then hung himself on sunday. WWE made an announcement saying it couldn't be 'roid rage' because it was a such a determined and premeditated killing. Querrero died in 2005 of heart failure, he had a substance abuse problem, and the first person who was contact was benoit. The whole thing is bizzare, he left bibles next to his wife and son.

But topping the american news was of course the Paris Hilton liberation. Fox News showed uncut footage, from her release, to her trip in an escalade on the highway, followed by a helicopter. The chase went for half an hour, and the hiltons even drove into the hilton hotel to trick the paparazo's. I was just fascinated with quality of american highways, and all the overpasses. Five lane concrete highways. Very Impressive. I think we could definately use some more overpasses in Australia.

I took this photo of the pasha bulker, no doubt some of you will have seen this, but for my american friends, Newcastle is in a state of ecstacy with the arrival of this metal beast on the shores of nobby's beach. I have heard reports that 30,000 people each day flock to the beach to see it. You can clearly see that it would be an ideal place for a flock of specialty shops. You could even sell the penthouse in the captain's quarters. We just need to build some sort of crude bridge to reach the boat.

My parents found this beast while travelling through Queensland. Check out how long the handlebars are.

This is my ride, you can't see but on the other side is a beefy dual chrome exhaust. I'll have to get some highway pegs, for those long cruising jourrneys. I still think the greenies should be all over motorcycling, with my bike being three times as fuel efficient as my car.


Francine: Hi, honey.
Stan: Aw, Francine, Bullock stuck me with another pathetic assignment. I'm in a rut. My career is going nowhere.
Roger: Well, if you need a place to go, how about the market? Oh, and, Francine, FYI: Cheese Nips are not the same as Cheese-Its. Why have a list if you're not going to follow it?
Stan: Francine, I don't want to be a pencil pusher. I'm a killing machine.
Francine: Oh, sweetie, I know. Why don't you just talk to your boss and tell him how you feel?Stan: That's perfect! I'll plant a bomb in his office and then diffuse it, so I can prove I've still got it.
Steve: Come on, guys, guess who I am!
Hayley: Oh, uh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! I don't care.Steve: It's Gavin from my algebra class. He's always doing this.
Klaus: Well, you tell Gavin to pay attention. The students in China pay attention, and they outnumber us four to one. The Red Dragon awakens.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

live free or die.

I named this blog after new hampshire's moto. But, nick, i heard now that they are making you guys wear seatbelts, and motorbike helmets.

Swearing Aussies scare off Iranians
Friday Jun 22, 2007
Australian sailors with a "robust attitude" repelled Iranian forces who were attempting to capture them just a month before a British patrol was snared in the same part of Iraq.
---i copied this straight from ninemsn.com, i knew jroc would get a kick out of it.

I will put up a picture of the photo from the newspaper ad, its also in the maitland mercury today. So toyota is using our house, as a way to create brand goodwill. I feel so used and abused. Again there is a full page ad saying how they are so thankful for the ses and police and fire brigade. All of whom did nothing for us.

Anyway, lac, if you look at the photo, you will see that the top shed is surrounded by water, but is dry. So we moved all the stuff from the house up there, and that is where my motorbike generally lives anyway. So its safe. But that shed was surrounded by water from saturday till friday. So i lived in it for six days.

And i see the poetic justice, of a vengful god. On thursday two days before the flood, i made a post saying i should build an arc. And, well, let's just say i should have built the damn arc instead of drinking the whiskey.

'I want these motherfucking snakes off the motherfucking plane!"
Meg: Finally, look Mom I've had it. I'm not babysitting anymore. It's Saturday night I could be out having a life.
Lois: Meg, if you don't wanna babysit anymore that's fine, but don't you stand there and lie to me.
Peter: OH-HO Meg, she torched your ass man! She torched your ass.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


wow god hates the hunter at the moment, he is smiting us good.
If anyone wants to know what my house looked like all last week.

On page 14 of today's edition of the newcastle herald, is a full page photo of our farm. Wednesday June 20. Toyota must have bought the photo from someone, because its actually an ad thanking the ses, police and fire brigade. All of whom did nothing to help us whatsoever. Everyone else got evacuated and supplies and what not , and we got fuck all and lived in the hayshed for a week.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Lindsay Lohan is a fire-crotch

wow, I was hammered in my last blog, it seems very long, and probably very long winded too.

Anyway i searched through my video archives to find a video i took in las vegas, where i was in a cab with some friends and the guy driving looked like the porn king ron jeremy. I can see the footage on my digital camera, but when i plug it into the computer that exact clip and a couple of others dont seem to transfer over. I'll try to fix the problem, because the guy is a crazk up.He talks about the time ron jeremy actually got in his cab while at a porno convention. And how his videos sell well because the men watchign them think wow he is ugly and look at the hot chick he is with, and think i must be able to score that too.

But in the mean time i found a clip of me at the winefields just outside charlottesville virginia, where my college was. I had had quite a few wines, and was pretending to be a connaisseur. You can see the wine stain on my teeth and lips which look black. I think it was my roomate misael recording me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPaN4cInXqs. That is the adress for it. And i have one other clip of everyone pouring into the stadium for a football game, and its crazier than an nrl grand final. But other than that, the other clips are too embarasing. There is a good one of me following a squirell.

Also i think we should gather all the wood we can muster, and start work on an ark. This rain looks pretty set in. I have some old sheets we can use as a sail. And i think instead of two of every animal, we just have a shitload of whiskey and fireworks. Actually screw the ark, i'll just have a shot of whiskey and set off one of the bunga's i found in dad's old leather jacket.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Instant Karma

wow what to do after the celebrations of my 126 post glory.

i know, i'll bloviate andexpound on many issues ravagin my mind today.

At first I was a liberal. That’s little l liberal. (in australia for my yankee readers the Liberal party is actually the conservative party, they are considered the liberal party because they are for a free market place, just as the labour party is for a free country)

Perhaps it was from my parents, or the PC culture of the curriculum in class. But, I was taught humanity is a group effort, and no one should be left behind. I used to listen simon and garfunkle and john lennon records, just as I’m listening to lennon now. Mother is my favourite song of all time. The ambivalence of being a parent or a child. It’s such a huge emotion, and somehow lennon wxpressed it in 3 minutes. So after feeling the love, I turned around 18 and saw that some people can do bad things, and you have to watch out for yourself in this harsh world. And it just seems like some people seem to have more to offer to society than others. So I turned to thinking that perhaps my parents aren’t right, and perhaps the survival of the fittest is true. So that led me to believing in conservative economic theory, where, lke magaret thatcher says, ‘I will not let the socialist taxes affect the enterprise of those who want to succeed.’ I could see that some people just offer more, they are smarter or whatever, and they shouldn’t have to carry the whole weight of those who don’t have shit to offer and sniff petrol all day. I mean obviously some tax benefit needs to go the poor, but to create a socialist paradise where everyone starts to have equal footing in the ultimate eyes of the liberal, I just couldn’t then see any motive for success. Like taking it to the extreme, in communism, where is the benefit for someone to invent something, if there is no economic will. Because you might as well be a janitor, if you are not going to gain royalties and such for your invention. But that is an obvious extreme.

And the reason why I write this blog, is because a little of my hippy side has re-emerged. But the rational mind still rules. But as a culmination, perhaps you can then see why I support the iraq war. As a pursuit that puts every person on the same level, and the same right to a freedom. An idealogical world of happiness, how absurd that sounds is my goal. A world where anyone can grow up and have the same privileges and education and etc, as myself. And I also see that world in rational terms as something that has to be worked hard for, really fucking hard. So, anyway that is why I believe the things I do. And watching a biography on margaret thatcher tonight has sort of re ignited my political flame. It’s like when yo uhear music and yo ujust know that that is who you are, well I hear some of the shit thatcher said, and it just is me. I believe that within certain boundaries one should be able to have limitless expression of their economic and spiritual dreams. Which ultimately leads to a few, and those few being resented. I would like to outline my vision of a stable country but I fear that would go too far. It would be a very existential, yet family oriented view of the world. But all that is bullshit, you can only see the world for what it is, and I see the world as needing a big hug. Right now I’m up to track 7 on my lennon album, love is needing love, lennon freaking rules.

Anyway, also i was watching australias next top modelt he finale and it sucks, freaking alice won. The girl who blew in from a strong southerly. Wow, and what on earth was ian thorpe doing there, the dude quit right before beijing, for some unknown reason, wait I have the reason, he is gay (not to take away from gay readers) he quit swimming right before a big event to go into the world of fashion, and he talks more like a fag than anyone ive ever heard. Seriously thorpe, yo uquit swimming, for fucks sake, and stone the crows (I bet my american readers don’t know what stone the crows is) just come out. Who quits a certain gold medal at the 2008 games to join a freaking fashion show, ill tell you, a stereotypical flaming queer like ian thorpe. I don’t care, just be who yo uare thorpey. I could tell when he chose another model over steph h, when no bloke in their right mind would choose any girl over steph or anika whom they describe as having the face of an angel and the body of sin. Now im listening to working class man, now I loved this song way before last week when greenday did a cover to highlight the suffering in darfur, and now I mention it I have never highlighted that suffering, which I would like to highlight now.

Its hard to come up with an answer, because any answer means taking the side of one of the four or so factions, which means condoning what they have done, and that is why greenday take the cop out of just saying lets send the UN in as mediators, which means it will be like iraq. And iraq might work but it will take a lot of bloodshed, it has taken 0.1% of the american armed services so far, that is 3,000 in 3 million troops which would be 54 australian troops on the same percentile of us having a total of 54,000 troops. And also take into consideration that 70% of American deaths are from improvised explosive devices. IED’s. And that in a vehicle that is equipped for it, I forget the name, but it isn’t a the over loaded humvee, it is the apc or something, and it is designed to take such blasts without fatalities, so already, if the yanks had those, WHICH THEY COULD, they would only have 30 % of their current deaths. They are trying to rush 7000 to the battlefield now, but fuck how late do they want to be. They have the worlds eyes on them, and all they do is put extra plating on the humvees’ which weighs them down and doesn’t do shit against IEDs. So imagine if they had vehicles like the australians. Our blokes got hit the other and no one died , yet if they were in a humvee they would have died. See they have a ‘v’ shaped hull as opposed to humvees flat shape, and the v deflects the blast. So fucking hell america, I think if you’re going to do it, do it fucking right. How long does it take to realize the threatof IED’s and then protect the troops. You’ve had four years and only now are yo rushing in with the new vehicles. That’s funny I should be writing about this, while ‘all we are saying is give peace a chance’ is playing on my lennon cd. He wrote it on his bed in. And only a year later, during a vietnam protest did it catch on. Anyway, I have had too many ports to remember what I was talking about, so screw you all.

And i want to let everyone know that i have a big, and i mean big post about the afterlife coming up. So anyone interested in death, or what happens when our heart stops, or if a heaven exists, please stay tuned.

Friday, June 01, 2007


this is my family crest, i want to get it tattooes on my right shoulder. (It's rath lubans in the forrest. ) The big black dog is significant in a lot of things, and the latin term 'fidus et audax' means: 'faithful and bold'. I think that suits.
There are so many weird ones--
Shaughnessy's latin thing is 'the hour flies'
Sinnott is 'without spot,'
this one funny sackvill 'Either do not attempt, or complete. '
the only one of my friends with an irish name that i know of is nathan handley, there is 'hanley' whose latin translation is 'The valiant archer forever.'
'fortune favors the bold' is for dooley.
wow, 126 posts. I would like to celebrate this anniversary of blogging, by writing a totally pointless blog, and by indulging in a glass of port. There are those who knew i wouldn't make it in the blogging world, they thought i would be lucky to make 123 posts, but here i am. Wow, 126 posts, don't they go by in aflash. I would also like to know how times i have inadvertantly quote 'meet joe black,' like i did just now. Anthony Hopkins says on his 65th birthday bash, '65 years, dont they go by in a blink,'.


i also have to mention, that my first 'the view' episode i watched, and blogged about, was actually rosie's last. Hasselbeck gets the last laugh. Excellent. Besides being hot, Hasselbeck doesn't subscribe to irrationality or an over indulgence in cake.


Donald Trump is going of the scale at the news of rosie's retirement from discourse. He did an interview from his own trump towers, and not only did he did he tell Greta from fox news, that her inquiry to the price of trump towers was foolish because she couldn't aford it, he called bush stubborn, and hasselbeck (who you would think he would love because she went against rosie) he said was the dumbest person on TV. This was nothing to the diatribe on Rosie, but still, i was shocked to see the man seperate himself from pretty much everyone, both politically and socially. Perhaps success has swollen his brain, or perhaps that is the very reason he is succesful, a pure unadulterated self love, that has caused him to scale the economic ladder.


I always wondered why people don't stop at the 10 million mark in gaining wealth, and once they reach 1 billion, they seem to keep going. If i had 1/5000000 of trump's money, i would buy harley davidson's for all my friends, pay them what they would normally get at work, and head out around australia, for the trip of all freaking life time.


also, i hope steph h, takes out austrlia's next top model, there are two girls left, alice and steph, and steph was my tip from the very beginning, along with anika, who made it to the top four. Perhaps i should be an agent, for chicks. I can pick the right ones, i was harping on about scarlet johansen back in the days of 'ghost world',. and now look at her, the woman of the freaking moment, and so will steph h. And so too will be the glory of 'callaghan chick talent agency. '

anyway let the 126 posting celebrations roll forward....


Peter: If I were half the parent Brian is I would know that Chris's favorite ice cream is...

Brian: Chocolate chip.

Peter: And I'd know that Stewie's favorite bedtime story is...

Brian: Good Night Moon.

Peter: And I'd know that Meg's real father is...

Brian: Stan Thomson.


Brian: Oh my god! They're eating Asian reporter Tricia Takanawa!

Peter: That's crazy...they'll just be hungry again in an hour.