Sunday, December 31, 2006

new years cheer

san fran is cool, probably even my favourite city, its hard to beat boston but it might come close. I was just tired and exhausted before, it was three am and i had been travelling, and i was really sad to leave the south, so i needed to vent. Same with new york city i really enjoyed it, but staying at a cheap hostel in harlem became a drag, so i got down on nyc. Anyway its still only 9pm new years eve, and i just came down from drinking on the balacony with a great view of the golden gate bridge. This city is incredibly beautiful.
Im to revel in my own crapulence, cheerio.

what time is it

i have no idea what time it is in australia anymore, im in a new timezone now. I just had a quick walk around san fran. Its a very photogenic city. The hostel is near the asiatown area. What is with the chineese and hygene? they must think high jean is a tall girl. Half the place smells like a rotting corpse and the other half smells like rotting cabbage, the place is a mess. Just like the chinatown in new york and all the other asiatowns ive been to in my life. I would hate to actually visit china if their insidious city sproutings in the west are anything to go by.

My last post i was coming down from a long drinking seesion on the planes from DC. I got to the airport at noon, and drank until my plane left at three on route to Atlanta. The dude sitting nex t to me had a philosophy book, and i asked him if he was a phil major. It turns out he is a philosophy professor at a las vegas college. So we had a pretty deep talk for the next two hours. Just like many americans he kept coming back to the designer as the first cause.

Then in Atlanta at 5 pm the plane to san fran was delayed until 10.30pm. so i went to the bar to pass the time. I ended up meeting a whole bunch of people on the flight and the revalries continued once on board. The couple sitting next to me where harley enthusiasts, and were telling me about all the good bike trips i could do around the USA. I want to do the easy rider trip. Getting a harley at san fran, and goign through texas on route to new orleans just in time for mardi gras!

The point is i think i am too partied out, to party tonight on new years eve. I'm like that partying slug from futurama, i think his name is slurms mckenzie, and he just wants to sleep, but he has to party one more time to save fry and the bunch. Just one more party man.

Congratulations to Stam and Richard. A birdie on the 18th hole, and a wife, what more could you want!
-happy new years everyone, im pretty certain it must be january 1st in Australia , going by my sisters last comment. I can't believe i missed fosters fireworks!!!!!

another sus fucking city

dude why did i come to san fransisco, i could have stayed in the great south. Even visited gloria up in jersey, but no i end up in another fucking cespool of shit.
What a bunch of drug fucked hippies everywhere in this the god damn place, probably more weirdos that new york city. And I hate them both nyc and san fran, they can go and get stuffed for all i care. Not to mention the fucking french and italian travelors at this hostel. Fucking I-ties , they can go and get fucked, and the french, and the fucking english, fuck all of europe. Actually i think im venting because i am now out of the south, and it feels bad. I want to be back in the confederate states, where everyone is polite and the women dont have tattoos or swear. 
I think ill try and leave early, i must just be a small country town guy, but i can't handle these left wing cities full of weirdos- god damn hippies. 

Anyway i had a great time in DC and northern virginia for the last few days , now im staying with a bunch of weirdos, im outta here after tommorow night, im going to bring my flight forward. To think i came here, when i could be hanging out with my belle, god dam it. I need to priorotise better. If i cant be back in the south at least i can go back to east maitland, i love east maitland. And i was thinking of saving up to do a europe trip in 2008, but fuck that. i dont want to hang out with dam i-ties, and the fuckwit french. I think ill come back to the south. We all the know the south will rise again.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

afternoon delight with dog the bounty hunter

i just watched the south park where cartman is dog the bounty hunter, he is the hallway monitor and what a classic. Cartman loves his authority, and he has a beard just like dog, it was awesome. and iwatched domino the other day, it was about bounty hunters, and it was awesome. I was thinking of joining the marines here, i can become a citizen and get to go to iraq, it would be a 6-12 month tour, it was something i was seriously considering, and i cant come up with a reason why i shouldnt, i would love to be a marine and live in the usa, but maybe when i get back to oz i will change my mind. I must just have military in my blood or something, because i couldnt think of anything better than being a marine.

well i toured dc again today. I went to reagan national airport to watch the planes come in. I thought ok yeah lets watch some planes it might be cool, but it was freaking awesome. You sit in a park about two hundred yards from the tarmac and the planes fly about 100yards above your head, its incredible, they fly right over you after they bank sharply at the river running along side. Again i didnt have my camera which sux, but the memories are in my head, well they are in there until i run a few more beers through my synapses. And after the plane goes by there is a windstreak, or soemthing, i forget what its called but it sounds like the sky is being torn open.

And there was a crazy dude watching the planes, he had a special radio so he could listen to the pilots talking to the tower. This guy was off the charts, he was a typical crazy guy in love with his hobby, he had books and stuff and told us the make and model ofeach plane. But i do give him credit because he worked out my australian accent straight away--see 90 percent of americans think im from england, but we are much more vile than the english. Just the other day i was buying some fosters from harris teeter (the equivalent to woolies) and she checked my id (which happens constantly in the usa because of the 21 thing) and i said yeah fosters is australian for beer (which is how they advertize it here, 'fosters its australian for beer)--what a load of crap no one even drinks fosters in australia, its the biggest marketing sham in history, not to mention how many time ive been asked to put another shrimp on the barbie, and ive given up explaining that we call them prawns and ive personally never seen anyone put a prawn on the barbie.

So anyway this fat old crazy airport guy started ripping of australians because he had some aussie friend, which now explains why he got my accent. And he was saying how his aussie friend would winge about the cold weather, and then HE started winging about it and said he would go to the terminal to watch the planes, then he said i should hop into a kangaroos pouch to stay warm. I didnt even mention the weather, crazy fella.

But being here, i can now see how silly we are. We seem to shorten everything. Like woolies. and sus instead of suspect. My god we are so lazy with our speech, we dont say anything with all its proper syllabelles.

Mel Gibson
wow this guy is one blood thirsty maniac!! hehe. I just saw apocalypto, and it was brilliant. I was on the edge of my seat for the whole time. It was so damn gory!! some dude had a black eye, and mel decided that his father should cut him open just so he can see, when it would have obviously healed in a day or two. And a freaking water birth in a cave. Mel is my hero. but noone in america seems to know he is australian, noone seems to know anything, me included.

This is proof im champion from!!!!!!!!!


Dec. 26, 2006KingDanielthegreat won the Booze and Pigskin Championship by a score of 51 to 37 over Hueys Hellions. Shaun Alexander led the team in scoring in the championship round and Tom Brady led the team in scoring for the season. Congrats once again to KingDanielthegreat on a terrific Fantasy football Season. Hope to see you all next year! A yellow alert box will be posted on your league's home page approximately one week after the NFL season ends allowing official winners to claim their prize.

Quotes from the dog episode of soutpark

Cartman: I hope you've learned kids, that if you don't go with Christ, you can end up just like that splattered bitch down on the pavement
Cartman: Look, brah, I had to bring you in, but I don't have any hard feelings against alright.
Butters: Huh?
Cartman: Want a cigarette, brah?
Butters: Oh… Okay.
Cartman: Bitch, get down! We can do this the easy way, or we can do it Dawg style!
Cartman: Beth, mace that guy, and that guy!
Cartman: You know what this is? It's mace that they use on bears, okay faggot! Now show me your hall pass!
and last ill paraphrase socrates who says that knowledge is when you realise that you don't know anything.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

no white christmas

i thought being in the northern hemisphere i would definately have a white christmas but no, it was unseasonably hot. I heard that its the first time that it hasn't snowed in central park since 1891 or something.

Donkey Of The Week: once again greyhound receives the title of donkey of the week. Leaving roanoke virginia, i had three hours of standing until charlottesville where i transferred onto a new bus bound for dc, and the ac was busted so another three hours of ballbreaking sweat. While i was on the first bus, it was like being on springer, everyone is sitting down, and im standing in the isle, and some black girl is questioning some white girl about some men she is going to meet then every on the bus is dissing her or giving her advice, and im just standing over everyone nodding.

Christmas was great, down in the dirty south with jacobs family, i had a good session with his step father on christmas eve, we sat on the couch for 12 hours drinking and watchign gridiron and then the wrestling which was live in baghdad for the troops. I was drinking bud light and he was drinking busch light. remember its not light in alcohol but calories, i had 18 bud light and four miller light. It was good times we had some great yarns, or shootin' the shit as they call it in the south. Then i finished the night with a bit of eggnog courtesy of barry, who is jacobs cool dad who took me shootin'. Then christmas day i started drinkin' wit sam about 3pm, and seeing as i was sleeping on the couch and drinking on it during the day, i kind of miss it, it was a good couch. I had some good times on it. And thanks to deb who is jacobs mum i had some presents under the tree: a bottle of wine, some trail mix and chocolates.

Marine One
Now i am in DC staying for a few days with matt, who showed me around before. I couldnt believe it, i already have so many photos of dc, so i didnt take my camera today. And then marine one showed up to pick up president bush. We were just walking out of the natural history museum when a fleet of four helicopters overhead, so we rushed to the whitehouse thinking the president was landing. But the four of them kept doing big laps around dc, and finally the two smaller military choppers broke away, and marine one and an even bigger chopper headed for the whitehouse, and then the big one banked away and marine one landed on the lawn of the whitehouse. I was about one hundred and ifty yards away. It waited for about twenty minutes, before the president boarded and then it hightailed away. Matt told me that there is ten identical marine ones, and that two others will fly near the one with the president so that noone knows which one he is in. I would have been able to take some awesome photos if i had my camera. But somethign like that is completely random, matt said he has lived in dc his whole life and only seen it once.

i could have also taken a photo of this calvin klein pillow at the mall, it was 180bucks , and it was just a regular pillow, oh yeah i also saw the hope diamond at the natural history museum, it was much smaller than i expected. I'm not too sure of the history behind it, i think its been stolen a couple of times, anyway its supposed to be the most famous diamond in the world. I've never heard of it, i guess that just shows how much i know about diamonds.

i am the champion of fantasy football. my team won the whole thing, i was happy with just beating bromley but i beat everyone!!!! Thanks to tom brady and the patriots defense.

and on friday, im going to have a romantic dinner to say goodbye to my belle, and then head to san fransisco on saturday. So everyone have a happy new years, and get nice and drunk, and make stupid resolutions and then forget them in the morning.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

merry christmas y'all

hey y'all im in the south , celebrating christmas eve with a budweiser and a good game of gridiron. Yesterday i went shootin' with a few pistols --a revolver, and a .45, man that .45 was one heck of a gun, it blew the fuck out of my target.
-Im about an hour and a half from the north carolina border.
im heading to DC on tuesday, probably catch up with my belle who lives an hour away, and then drift to san fransisco where my flight to Sydney leaves. I was thinking about, why is travelling so fun? and i think its because when you stay in a hostel and meet new people constantly and are in a different culture, it kind of feels like you are living, like, more alive than just watching tv at home and watching your life pass you by. But that's what happens anyway, no matter what you do, life just passes you by, and all you can do is try to grab as many memories as you can. and without discussing the afterlife, which i dont really believe in, but in 'meet joe black' the island woman tells brad pitt--'all you can hope for is to take a few nice pictures with you,' i like that saying.

So im drifting, and its something ive always wanted to do, just drift around, but its a lot of work, finding shelter and stuff.
Anyway, i might only be able to blog once more in the USA, and im sort of glad. Ill do a few blogs when im back in australia, so y'all who are adicted to my blog will have some time to get through your withdrawals.

but why i am blogging, i''d like to mention something that has been on my mind, like peter griffin does in what really grinds my gears. well i think the toothbrush companies and their constantly changing product grinds my gears. ok toothpaste never really changes, maybe sometimes they add a whitening stripe or something, but for some reason they think they have to reivent the toothbrush every six months--- adding longer bristles or side bristles that get the gums or some bendy, flexible handle that really reaches those hard to get places. I mean how many other products go through such a constant change. Personally i always buy the one with no frills and the hard bristles, because if the handle bends and flexes or not, i just want to brush the shit out of my plaque.

Ok have a nice christmas everyone, and ill see y'all in about a fortnight.
-seacrest out

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Guns and dogs

yeah so the other night i was having one of my 'last ever' celebrations at my friend neysans place,and watching taledaga nights, with will ferrel, im a giant will ferrel fan and i thought some parts were awesome, and i think the rest will be awesome when i watch it again, its one of those comedies that is so far ahead or so different that you just need some time to absorb it, and anything frank the tank does is awesome,

seriously i thought nothing could beat will ferrel untill steve carrel came out with the 40 year old virgin, and that shit is classic, i think ill be watching that in 40 years just like will ferrel in old school, and at least steve carell is being somewhat original with with 40 year old, i mean the dude won a freaking emmy or whatever the american tv awards are, for the office, and noone ever mentions that it was english, mr carrel takes all the credit for ricky gervais, how can the biggest plagarism go down in the history of the workd without even an acknowledgment to his english predecesor and complete creator of his charater and everything his character does? you know why, a big sack of money is why,, what is really weird is that the american version of the office is no fucking different than the british version except they are american actors so they enunciate there 'r's rrrrroller coasterrrrr, that sort of shit,

anyway, so i was watching taledaga nights, and neysans dog is one of those crazy pitbull types , and it was having an aneurism at my presence, everytime i moved my foot it would bark and threaten to bite me, so my andrenaline was pretty high, then his brother pulled out a freakin glock 9mm semi automatic pistol, god dam dogs and guns, ill take my labrodor and guncontrolled country any day (this is a big difference i have with bush, who just let the assault rifle ban pass, so now fuckers can buy Ak47's again, which is what some of my friends told me they used to own) anyway so i have this dog at my heels, and i grab the loaded 9mm and think that if it bites me ill blow the fuck out of it,and then i jut point it at the wall and feel the power, dam im american now, but that isnt the weird part, see im used to guns and paintballs and huge fucking hunting knifes now, (this dude can walk down the street with his 9mm as long as its exposed, and he is workign on a license so he can carry it concealed)

but what i found out recently and is weird, is that you can own tazer guns and stuff, like girls dont just carry pepper spray no more, but a freakin tazer gun. And dont forget , you can get AK47's again!


'I push my fingers into my eyes... It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache... But it's made of all the things I have to take... Jesus, it never ends, it works it's way inside... If the pain goes on, im not going to make it.' - the slipknot song playing now, fuckers!! turn up the bass.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

They're everywhere man

its happened, my body has finally rejected rice pasta, after 16weeks, i cant swallow another piece.. im thinking it might also be some form of mould contamination causing my lack of appetite, from the pile of rubbish that i had built up in the corner of the room, it was about five weeks old and full of empty pasta bowls (see i eat out of plastic bowls and plastic forks so i dont have to wash up) and jars and lord knows what else, whenever people came over to visit i just placed a few grocery bags and towels on top of the pile. anyway the other day, it took me about half an hour to put it all in a giant garbage bag, and i think some mould spores spread through the room. The big bag of trash is sitting at the end of my bed now,, i swear i can hear it moving sometimes.

-i would love to stay in the usa longer, but only if i get mega rich bootlegging moonshine, so that the underworld can make the best dam mint juleps ever. as soon as i get a few more bathtubs, my enterprise will be ready to enter phaze 2. endgame.

The secret societies have left there mark everywhere, and like i said before, everyone is powerless to remove it.
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This is funny because its true, don't pretend you haven't thought about sending old people to the sun.


Brian: Get, get the fruit. It's more points. Get the fruit.
Stewie: I'm not gonna get the fruit.
Brian: Get the fruit.
Stewie: I'm not gonna... I can't get the fruit.
Brian: Get the fruit.
Stewie: I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna get the fruit there's a ghost right there!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


wow i have a hangover, i cant believe my last post, see what i mean about rambling when im blotto, its the last week of studying so ive been blowing off some steam. And i cant believe i took a photo, you can see it in my eyes! that was like four am.. having a blog and coming back from drinking dont mix, ill be looking forward to being back home and not doing it, so i dont have to wake up and wonder what ive written! it actually doesnt seem too bad, i might have revealed a bit much about the ladies,, and jroc wont mind me supporting the homosexuals.
anyway i have to hit the books for an exam tomorrow. And i want to get some photos of the secret society stuff, before i leave this saturday, and i have beerfest to watch.

i didnt mention to, the other night, me and sam rowe hit up the corner in c-ville for the last time, we did novocastrians proud!!! and oneils let me in again, the main chick who kicked me out wasnt there, and the others seem to have forgotten.

Lisa: At this rate, I'm gonna end up at Vassar.
Homer: I've had just about enough of this Vassar bashing!
Homer: I'll never wiggle my bare butt it public again
Lisa: I'd like to beleive that this time, I really would.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Used and abused

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i suggest leaving the music playing for this one, and have several wines or any form of alcohol, or anything to bend your mind so the experience is more real!!!!!

ok this is it, my blog where i tell all... nearly all, i mean how much can i give?? everyone else has a secret life, and here i am putting my life out on display for all,, this is why i said have a few drinks, because this is the blog where i tear open my heart and bare my soul, so dont read on untill you are a little blotto and make sure you keep the music playing because its beautiful , it was weird to start off with, how everyone can know my thoughts and stuff, but i hope i have been honest and i hope now i am. The point of this blog is for me to have a catharsis, see i have built up this 'southern belle' thing and the other night i found her, she had blonde hair and everything, just like ashlee simpson:) and it was awesome, and i woke up next to her, and we had the best conversation in the morning, and i thought id found this incredible person,

but like jacob pointed out, she could never be what my fantasies have in mind. She had the accent and everything, but i just sent her a message and she hasnt replied, im sorry emma i said i would tell you about other girls, and there have been others, and now i know unrequited love, because i found my girl but i was just an object for her and it hurts, i mean there was a halle berry type hot girl , gloria, in NY and i didnt feel anything, she was hot but her personality scared me, but with this girl, i felt everything, she was blonde and had the southern accent and it was awesome and i thought talking to her in the morning things were strong, but obviously now, she only cared for the accent or something else, because she doesnt respond, and that is why im writing this so honestly because i want a cathartic experience, so i can see my
written words and see how trivial and pathetic my emotions are , but it doesnt feel pathetic to me, it feels real. Anyway i would also like to mention jacob or jroc, my best friend at UVa and america, and see jroc is a homosexual, and i think he is a top bloke, and it pains me to see all the homophobic sentiment directed against his kind, granted jroc isnt a queen (flaming queer) and he seems like a normal bloke except he likes blokes too, and see, to me, that doesn't matter, i think he is a top bloke, and i feel like i can be myself around him, and that doesn't at all mean im gay, im far from it, and it sucks that i have to justify that just so that i can be friends with him.Because he has

told me on occassion that he would love to be straight just to make life easier, and my roomates think being gay is a choice,and hate gays for choosing such a lifestyle, but its not,everyone has there cross to bear and homosexuals have a larger cross, and i
dont want that, i am against gay marriage and so is jacob form what he has told me, but maybe some cival union, he was telling me about a story about two men who pretended to have a civil union just for home owner tax benefits and then one falls in love with the other, it was an awesome story and i think he should write it, because it exposes the hypocrasy of modern thinking, anyway this poor bastard jroc has to burden all our predujices, just like the jews, and we should realize there is a person behind the stereotype. And as a hot blooded woman lover i want to throw my weight behind his cause, and humanities cause for that matter, human because it is in his genes, and if anyone wants to debate ill see you in the carpark, ill fight you all, ill be in the carpark waiting, because he is just trying to live his life like anyone else and its even harder for him to find love, and for that i am sorry, you can look at yourselves and the stereotypes you perpetuate that make it hard for him, or anyone else different such as the disabled (not relating them to gays but they are a minoroty, like being deaf) and being a minority is hard, i would hate to be be black and growing up in atlanta in the 1920's and the

black people i have met now are awesome. Its hard to go against what we are taught, maybe not directly but what pervades in our culture. Like the beer comercials and so forth in australia, that say when a truck breaks down you pull it with a rope between your teeth to get the job done, now you may think that is macho, but essentially that is propoganda from the corporations that want there workers to wreck there bodies to make them money.
i know this this from personal experience, where a great friend of mine and a worker in the coal mines for many years who is about to retire, has put his body , the body that is his sanctuary, on the line, just to be masculine in front of others, and to be a 'man' and prove that he can get the job done, he is tougher than the other loafers who dont care about how many tonne of coal that is produced, they just want enough money to buy a suped up carboarator for their commodore to impress all the other cessnockians, who value the possesions and money a man has instead of the man himself , (you are not how many fifty dollar bills you have your wallet, and if you think you are, i am sorry for you to have such a shallow life) --seriously you are how you hold yourself, and how you treat others, you might be able to treat them better if you have more money, but the money isnt you...anyway the mines just to sell the coal to the japanese who dont give a fuck anyway , and they sell it tooooo cheap, we shoudl value such a precious resource, but this guy gives a fuck just so that he can be the 'man' who gets it done in front of his friends,and what a lot of bullshit that is, at

what point can you draw the line and say , 'look fucker, this is who i am, and if you get 25 thousand tonnes or 1thousand tonnes, i am still the same man, and i am comfortable with that.' and if you think about money, there are many other ways to get money without destroying your body. And it hurts me that people feel obliged to act that way just to be 'honorable' just for someone who will forget them a week after retirement anyway, and the only reason they want them to keep working is to make life easier for them, becuase they make money of him, and i say take a fucking stand, say make your own dam money, worry about falirues yourself, let me live as i want, on everything, be friends with a gay person and choose a job you want, we live in a society that allows it so why not exploit it, you dont have to live up to expectations,
expectations of people and friends is bullshit, thats what angers friends, because they expect you to beahve in a certain way and when you dont they get upset, act however the fuck you want, and the friends you have will understand that

But anyway jroc knew about my southern belle fantasies, and i finaly found her, and what he said resonated, he said that i put all my fantasies onto her and she couldnt live up to it, and no she couldnt, but she was close, and she didnt reply to me, so thats why i feel so hurt, i found my girl, and it was just a one night thing with her, and it hurts, and i was used, and i can see now how women are hurt when i dont respond to them, or any guy for that matter, fucking unrequited love hurts,no matter if she was living up to my fantasies or not, i think she was awesome and i havent felt that way for quite awhile, and she doesnt feel that way, so ill drink some more wine...

i just watched the royal tenebaums with jacob, it was his first time viewing it, we bought some bottles of australian wine, and fuck , if you want to drink and watch a good flick watch the tenenbaums, it is everything i would ever want in a movie, see i have dreams of being a patriach in a family, and i want kids like the tenenbaum kids, but i think id be a better father than royal, i hope i would appreciate what i had. And then when i lose it and live in a hotel room, id just sink some piss and wait to die.

But anyway i think ill find my belle again, and i think ill start my family and that gives me hope, just like my sis, i am extremely proud of her, and i envy her and steve, and i hope one day to achieve the same. And also i want to teach my kids to be tolerant, of everyone, because there are some beautiful people out there, who dont fit the 'norms' and if you close your mind you''ll never meet them, so i say drink some nice wine, have a deep conversation with a friend, and forget everything that anyone told you........
and rely on your own experience, because advice is just a form of nostolgia rewrapped so the person giving it can relive some past experience. Live your own fucking life, allow yourself to choose who you like, dont rely on what people tell you to like, be your fucking self and you'll feel strong, because your the one who made the decision.

Ok i thought seeing as this blog is narcissistic, id take a photo of myself. This is only 5 days before i leave uva forever, farout, what an experince, to grow up in one town for my life and have the same friends, and have your own self experice, and you personality is based on relating to how you behave in front of those friends, and then to be completely withdrawn from those friends and anything you find familiar and placed in a room with nobody that you know, it is liberating, because you can work out who you really are in a foreign circumstance.

post script: my belle just messaged me, so you can forget the melancholy of above.

Quotes Family Guy:

Brian: Gosh, I'd like to help you, Peter, but I've got to go out in the hall and chew on the back of my ass for about five minutes.
Brian: Peter, if you just let me talk, I'll explain to you why you shouldn't do this.
Peter: Later, later Brian, I gotta do something people will remember me for. Which is why I've invented a new type of flying machine.
Stewie: You know, I vaguely recall seeing footage somewhere of something exactly like this, which leads me to believe this probably won't work.
Peter: Oh man, Lois is really pissed at me.
Brian: Yeah, who knew welfare fraud was one of her buttons?

Saturday, December 09, 2006

UVA opoly

i was just speaking to my sister,lol, i told her that i do like sport, the comment was in jest, if you can imagine me saying it in person its different- the translation of tone gets lost when its written so for anyone else too, if i have offended you, its hard to make a joke with written words because people can't hear your tone. And for the rest of my blogs i will use the Mel Gibson defence! i'm blotto when i write a lot of these posts, and when im drunk i ramble on about anything. So i do love australia , and i love america they're both great :) and i still call australia home. Only a month left of blogging anyway!

I've been pickign up a few souvenirs, check it out, UVa has its own monolopy game. So all the streets are changed with charlottesville places and university stuff.
And you can also see my new cavalier football jersey!


Tom Tucker: A bit of breaking news. A local family is forced out of their home by ghosts. Who are they gonna call?
Diane Simmons: Ghostbusters, Tom.
Tom Tucker: No, Diane. Their insurance company. That's just stupid what you said.
Mr.Weed: Peter! Are you sleeping on the job?
Peter: Uh! There's uh..a..bug in my eye and I'm trying to suffocate him.
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Friday, December 08, 2006

seven sleeps

it's all happening , my sister and steve have gone to see the wiggles, or just steve and byron and monica and briana are shopping. and mom and dad have gone to see robbie williams. it seems all the big stars are in australia. i'm just shocked and appalled the wiggles have moved on so quickly. serioulsy didnt the yellow wiggle get herpes last week? and now he is out, that's a bit harsh.

seven sleeps till i leave UVa, wow the compression of time is a real mind fuck. Things that seem to be taking a long time, then the instant they appear over they become condensed and seem like an instant. Like i'm sure that 25 years in prison would drag on for what seemed like forever, then with only one week left of the sentence, i'm sure you would look back and say 'actually now that i think of it, it went pretty quick.' Like with any aspect of life, you spend a lot of time waiting for shit, and that waiting seems like forever, and when that shit finally does come, you think, wow actually those last few years seemed like nothing. It's the quick compression, it must be some psychological mind trick that the brain does so we can process our environment. Like how they say a squeaky and rusty door can cause more of a disturbance to your mental health than the death of a close friend. Because the mind can adapt to the loss of some loved one, and has the mechanisms to overcome it, but the squeaky door is insidious and going for months it cause more concern than the death.

Anyway, obviously i've had a few drinks. It's friday night, so it's ok, and i just finished a three hour exam. And tomorrow night i'm going to a sorority party that a girl invited me too. Finally i get in with the sorority girls and i have to leave. And as usual my alcohol binge ends at three in the morning, sitting at the computer and ready to write a story. So here goes. oh yeah, i noticed when i do paragraph indents, and speech indents the dam blog thing takes them away. But why is it i have to be tipsy to write these bizarre stories? abstract thinking! I think it would be horrible to truly lose a function of life, and then told that because of such a loss you are not able to live.

Disabled Life
One hour and fifty three minutes to the sink. Today there was a fall, he lifted himself with too much enthusiasm onto the cold metal and leather chair, and it tipped. Loitering on the wooden floor, he glanced up at his bed; now an unclimbed fortress, the sheets of brick and the clock playing with him—suggesting the pace. A bloodied left hand that needed cleaning; they still provided a woman called Sheeska who would soon wake and make the hostile commute to his home. He could raise the alarm, and he could lose his dignity.
Just breathe.
They allowed dignity till death, and gave him a modified home. He could see the doorway with a shaky glare, a bladder causing the early intrusion, it was An Achilles he didn’t prepare for, with his routine that could allow no freedom and could bare no witness lest they commit themselves. Dragging and pulling, he shuffled and crawled across the floor, with fingers white from pressure. A body with a lost memory of exercise, it exhausted easily. He sucked in the cold morning and dark air, things he wanted to do were there to keep the inspiration; things that seemed simple and elegant and powerful, and things that reach and light a match in the dark, and for things that don’t need to be stretched and kept just out of reach.
The water trickled at first—the low sink was still an effort. The warmth took its queue and poured down from the adapted nozzle. He did it without assistance. And he swallowed his frustration. The memory of using a now foreign muscle was shoved into a deep recess of his mind, he held it tight with chains and locks and thought of the future. A big dream, now different than the dreams of youth, and different than the dreams before the accident of last October and the extreme policy change of last May. The world was now different, and a law was now in place that he must accept or go mad with anticipation, which told that he must die. No more would the frail receive treatment; with the low sinks and the ramps smashed. Smirks from children, and a countenance of pity from adults was to be eradicated. The pity of the masses was to be eased, and so too was his pain. A new doctrine was enforced, and then backdated. Humanity was too superior to be brittle.
A photograph and a last vestige of his love; he was allowed to look into the eyes of the woman who died in the accident, and he felt a rush in his heart—perhaps he would join her. The needle pricked the skin of his left arm, and he barely felt the intrusion and then lost consciousness.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

insert title

last night i went to oneils to have a beer with sam rowe (dean rowes brother from newcastle high, 2 years below) and a kiwi friend. I was wearing my boston redsox cap, trying to go incognito and it worked! they had forgotten me. Its such a weird circumstance to find a fellow novacastrian at a pub in charlottesville, he lives two doors from andrew johns and matt hoy and near chad williams in his housing commision flat!! it was good times, we had a yarn and talked about two up on anzac day, and then hit a party on 14th street, then went to a frat party on rugby road. This frat had a permanent professionally made beer pong table. I asked the dude how much it costs to be in a frat, and he said about 2-4grand per year. So its true they are buying friendship, and providing free alcohol to the greater community.

and i thought i had worked out where the secret societies were housed, because i saw some frat houses with the Z and IMP logan painted on the wall. but a chick told me that the secret socities just do it without permission and your not allowed to remove it.

and the museum was good there was a big collection of aboriginal art, somewhere in c-ville there is the biggest collection of aboriginal art in the usa.

i was drinking this the night before. i like its philosophy. on the back of the label it says - the most important thing about a bottle of wine is that you enjoy it, regardless of its vintage or style... It is an honest well-made wine. --
for 5 bucks it was pretty darn good,


Peter Griffin: First one to the marker where that Pakistani girl fell through the ice after coming to the States to get treatment for her severely burned face which she got when the man she refused to marry dumped sulphuric acid on her wins.
Peter Griffin- You know what really grinds my gears? No one's come up with a new priest and a rabbi joke in like 30 years. Ok, ok, uh, a priest and a rabbi go into..the supermarket. And the preist says, let's buy a ham. And the rabbi says, "Nope. Can't eat it. Not allowed. It's forbidden." Pigs are like super-heroes to them. Is it perfect? No! But I dont see you coming up with anything better. And that, people, is what grinds my gears. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 03, 2006


ok, since my last post i couldn't stop thinking about beer, and with my fever gone I bought an eight pack of guiness, and what a great time I have had!! see I chose guiness because it is natural and should help with the healing process, its not chemical like all the other beers. Anyway my alcoholic muse has again returned so I will will write a story.

Empty Beginnings

‘All I can do is be well for you, all I can do is help you see,’ she sung. Making up the words while walking the through the cavernous hallway. ‘My little baby, she cries sometimes, my little baby, he laughs sometimes.’ The melody borrowed from an Elvis Presley song, she didn’t know the name, but it gave her structure. ‘Don’t cry and I’ll help you tonight, or cry if you want, and I’ll help you tonight.’
Walking into the spacious office, she marched in as a captured soldier—with a blindfold and noose. It was a battle she wouldn’t win.
‘Take a seat,’ the elderly woman was curt. Her countenance was of brutality and disdain. Her thick black rimmed glasses were propped on a crooked beak, and the dust particles moved by her breath, pushed through the bright sunlight with a thin line back to a solitary window. ‘I don’t understand your lassitude?’ She was fingering a pile of papers—important papers that held the key to the young girls future. Facts and rumours printed with no eraser. ‘You will not pass your diploma. You are aware that this means you will not graduate, are you not?’
The girl caught her looking at her stomach. Word had spread through the holidays that she was to keep to the child, but she was unaware that it had spread to the faculty. ‘Yes, ma’am, I understand.’
‘I think that perhaps you should consider changing schools,’ her old voice had a rumble. She spoke with a permanent cold. ‘Perhaps Laherty would be more accommodating to your situation.’
A glass pane of several generations separated the two women. It was bulletproof, and not willing to shatter.
The elder of the pair continued. ‘I have been in this situation before, I have seen girls with a moderate potential—like yourself, who have had to make the decision not to follow the rigorous path which we set. I am aware of Tony, and for that I am sorry. He was an honourable man and for that you should be proud; his passing carries with it a nobility that must burden you,’ her voice was sanctimonious, and she sat in a leather chair surrounded with photos of living children and grandchildren. Smiling faces framed her ugly face and grey eyes. ‘He was a patriot and a hero, and you have his moment of glory forever.’
It was hard for the young girl to even pretend to be listening.
‘You have not achieved according to our standards, but don’t be ashamed, you have contributed. We all must contribute.’ She slipped the papers into a black folder, a symbolic death.
The young girl stood. ‘My little baby, she cries sometimes, my little baby, he laughs sometimes.’
‘Please don’t make light of the situation miss Hellings.’
The mahogany desk squealed as the young girl slammed her fist down hard. It was bloodied, and pieces of glass sliced through her skin. The glass sprayed her eyes, and she ducked and screamed. Yelling her next words. ‘It is not a glorious death, it was muddy and disgusting. There he lies dying in the street, with bloodied hands and deaf ears. He couldn’t even feel the third bullet. All alone, and I’m here and I’m told this news, and you expect me to pass! Don’t you tell me about contribution, don’t you even start. His moment, is my moment. His disgusting death is mine. He was lying in that empty street alone and for twenty three minutes for me, not you.' Her voice ascended, climbing a peak to a screech. 'Not for anyone else. And you can re enroll me for next semester because I’m having my child, and I’m not leaving.’
The old woman ran a finger across her top lip, in the now all but empty room. A youthful reminder had just stormed out. She looked at a photo of her youngest grandson and with a nod of her head, thought of him safe at home.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

random title

i got my bloodtest results, and on paper i'm perfect. Nothing wrong with my organs and no cirhossis of the liver. Instead it's some virus that gets into the stomach glands, which explains the pain in my side and causes fever and flu like symptoms, and pink eye!!. So my convalscence involves no alcohol; but once i'm better i'll be free to shift a few pints through my viscera.

-i was just having a yarn to the guy who lives in the walk in pantry. He sleeps on the couch at night, he is full of stories. So when i go out to the kitchen for a coffee or cook one of my many rice pasta meals, which i eat every day; he regales me with adventures of growing up in england and all the zany stories he says he is going to write about. And then he is always making me watch stuff on, just now he showed me mr.bean in the carlot. Truly hilarious.

-im trying to plan my trip after UVa, which i have exactly 14days left- the bastards kick me out on noon the day after my last exam. So i'm thinking of taking an amtrak to Chicago, and hostel it there for a couple of days, then make my way to south dakota and see sioux falls and mount rushmore, then into wyoming and yellow stone national park then maybe salt lake city in Utah so i can chill with the mormons, then across to sanfransisco to spends new years and that is where my flight back down under is from. Then i'll be back in Australia, one of the first things on my list is to drink a few VB's- none of this fosters business. All the ads here go 'Fosters it's Austrlian for beer'- yeah right!!
-American beer is pretty cool. i like miller lite (remember its not light alcohol but like on calories) the beers are more watery, like i heard some german beers are- i have had nothing with that bitter after taste like VB, oh man just typiing this is making my mouth water, seeing as i havent had a beer for quite a while. mmm beer

-i have a class excursion to our own UVa museum situated on campus on monday, i heard it has the biggest aboriginal exhibition in the usa, so that will be interesting. I wonder if it will be just a haux like that restaurant 'Outback Steakhouse.' - I went to one again in DC, and they called koala's - bears!- and they have a world map and its inverted, because they say that aussies centre themselves and put them in the middle up top an deveryone underneath. I thought, no we aren't as arrogant and narcisistic as americans to do such a thing.

-Actually what i learnt about americans while being here, is that the world thinks they are arrogant. But i think they are purely more assertive and less seld depricating(in a humouress sense) than other nations. They are assertive, and i think that translates to other cultures as arrogance, im not talking their foreign policy here, im talking individuals. Class discussions have been more fruitful than at newcastle university because of this.

-but at least my i am Daniel here, i have finally ridded myself of dan, i don't mean this in some metaphorical sense, i just really don't like the name Dan. And everyone calls me Daniel here, its awesome. So if you're reading this, remember i am king Daniel, or just Daniel, but no fucking dan, i hate dan.

-well i will log off, i feel the fever regrouping and i'm becoming delirious,
what does don burke say when he says goodbye, dam i forget, i used to always say it. See im forgetting my austrlianna.
now i call it football, not footy. Afternoon, not arvo. Warren, not wozza. Mcdonalds, not maccas. Flip flops, not thongs. Soda, not soft drink (or cordial, i asked people the other day if they have cordial, and they had no idea what i was saying.)
oh wait its hooroo.